Austerity-fascists/breeder-facsist/eco-fash/feminazi/boomers control the society and ruin it for everyone. Once they all die out or lose power, things will be better. Their era was running all the way since 2009 but it is coming to an end. We are in transitional period right now.
This blog is mostly about the kind of girls I like. However occasionally I also post various thoughts on other issues. I have separate blog about anime: about geopolitics: and about BDSM porn specifically
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
On Change of the Eras
Why Girls need to be able to endure hardships and privation
I was thinking recently why men like to humiliate and beat women. Sure, there are fetishes and personal preferences, however what is the underlying cause for such fetishes. Why they exist in the first place.
The reason is likely to test her motherhood abilities. After all, if any given girl cannot tolerate abuse and humiliation from their spouse. How they will be able to raise a kid who will cause them problems 24/7. They will probably kill the annoying toddler before they even reach their first birthday. That will make for a shitty mother.
Selfish kind of smart women will treat children poorly and that is not what I would want for my children. Not that I actually want to have kids.
However, regardless of if you want kids of not, you still want to make sure she can tolerate shit in infinite amounts. Without it, you just do not feel she has what it takes to be a even a lover. I could not get really aroused unless I kick and humiliate her heavily.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Perfect Girl
I guess I cannot like a girl, if she does not aspire to be her best and most perfect self for me.
Just like TrueHellDei or Japanese geishas do work hard to be most pleasing kind for men, she too should work hard to be the ideal lover and housewife.
Not attract most attention, have most approval or have biggest boobs. These things have nothing to do with being a perfect lover/gf. She should understand that much if she wants to be with me.
She has to know what to do and strive to make herself match these ideal.
I do not like girls who are just content with following their desires or following socially approved standards. If anything, either of these two things make them less attractive in my eyes.
On Keara
In episode 10 or so, Keyaruga did turned himself into a brunette Nunnally that can walk to seduce a lesbian and take revenge on her. That picture is of him transformed. Clearly, he knows what he is doing. That does look pretty, if only it was not a trap.
On Different Tastes in Women
Recently I saw a rather unpleasant dude with annoying looking wife and two daughters.
The way he treated his women was like a subservient feminist dude. However, it seemed to me, that it was more of his own intention rather than his women's own arrogance and selfishness that drives that. Like he proactively pushed respectful treatment on them, rather than was led by them to do so. I do wonder what makes him to behave so. That seemed completely stupid to me.
I did notice that he seemed did not like me either. As if he could tell at glance that we do not agree on how to treat women. I think it is people like him who could cause me a lot of trouble if I try to date any women.
I would guess, it is people like him, who currently control media and push their own image of relationship to everyone around them. I do not think they agree with the principle of live and let live. I think they want to eliminate all dominant men in the name of 'protecting women'.
Threat of repercussions from people like him do ruin potential relationship with women for me personally, for men who are like me and prefer submissive women as well as for women who prefer dominant men. They may pussyfoot around women, but they will likely not hesitate ruining or even killing a man.
Hopefully things will get better for me, other dominant men and submissive women.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Reversed Psychology
However, I do like how she is so insecure about that. Girls are better, the more insecure they are. I want to see that kind of expression on their face.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Actual Princesses vs Self-Proclaimed Princesses
Watching King Charles III coronation video, I noticed how Camilla behaves in very humble and well-mannered way. Almost like a Japanese woman. Turns out royalty and nobles do know how to teach women to behave in a way that appeals to men. May be that is why some men want to marry a princess.
Unfortunately, among the commoner girls, the ones who like to call themselves 'princess' are typically Victoria Backham style Karens. Those who call themselves queens are even worse than that.
Not all princesses are equally good/bad.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Girls Should Compete in Showcasing their Submissiveness
Submissiveness it the most valuable trait women can have. More Submissive = better. Thus, women have to showcase their submissiveness. To show that they are more submissive than other women out there.
They have to show and prove how they will do everything for me and how they will do much more than other women out there. Otherwise, how I would know I am getting the most submissive girl in the world.
For example, in this song they sing that there is nothing they would not do (for me)
Generational War and Dating
Why girls prefer bigger guys, but guys prefer smaller girls
While some like to refute this vehemently, but size of the dick matters. Bigger dick can give girls greater sexual pleasure, so girls often look around for guys with bigger dicks. Because of that they like big guys, big muscles and so on. Everything that gives them idea of bigness.
Because of that everything that can make guy look bigger in girl's eyes will help him get her or more girls in general. Business jackets with inflated shoulders are designed with that effect in mind. They meant to make guy look wider and bigger.
Guys in contrast prefer smaller girls. If that would not be true, then pedophilia would not be the thing. Greater interest in Asian girls is also due to that simple fact. East Asian girls are on average smaller and shorter than Western women.
There are some exceptions to that rule, some claim they like big tits or fit women, but all these guys mostly think about genetics of their future children and not about the girl in question as a best lover/partner.
Just as with girls, for guys it is a genethliac issue as well. However opposite to girls, guys want her pussy to be as small and tight as possible. Smaller pussy can satisfy dick a lot better than a large one. It has to be sufficiently small and tight to effectively wrap around dick and rub it tightly enough for a guy to cum. Too large or loose pussy will not be able to provide for that.
Even if guy's dick is not that large, a small enough pussy will still be able to provide him with enough stimulation.
That works for girl as well. With a small and light pussy, she will be able to get orgasm even from relatively small dick. That will keep her happy and content in a relationship.
In contrast girl with large cunt will likely stay discontent, no matter how large of a dick a guy has, it will never be able to stretch her enough.
Sure, girl can also take it in her asshole instead of cunt. Asshole is tight enough to at least keep the guy happy. However, depend on how large the rest of her body is, she might still remain unsatisfied and nag the guy about it.
There is nothing guys hate more, than nagging women.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Relationship is about My Needs and Wants
I will not hit the gym or cover myself in tattoos just because some girl wants it.
In contrast if a girl wants to be with me, she has to attend geisha, cooking and manners classes to be appealing enough to me.
Female Slavery
Because of how valuable slaves are for a free person, the best thing women can offer to a man is to be his slave. That is the only meaningful relationship between genders.
Friday, November 17, 2023
On Virgo Sign
Virgo is like more evolved Taurus, that is more flexible and adaptive compared to the bull, but fundamentally they are of the same nature.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
No Domme Girls
There are some girls who just dismiss guys as beta-cuck if they think he is not strong enough or too submissive for them.
I, in contrast or as a mirror of that, dismiss girls if they are not submissive enough for me. If they give some domme vibes, I just dismiss them as non-submissive and will not want to do anything with them. In a way she has to be like beta-cuck for me to like her.
Friday, November 10, 2023
How Strong Willed are the Signs
Each sign sticks to whatever they think matters.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
On differences between INTJ and ISTJ as well as between Sensors and Intuitives
I think there will be many fake INTJs as this is a cool type and ISTJ is not. So many ISTJ will try to pass as INTJs.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
INTJs are Thinkers
People should not think that these types are like some stock movie characters who are deliberately exaggerated to make show more dramatic.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Why do I hate Capricorns.
Caps are backward and prevent technological progress. They hope to keep people in stone age.
On Rap
With few exceptions, rap was always about muscular black guys with low voices, pretending to be gangsters and shouting insults into public.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Psychological Compatability
I think I should have worded it this way instead. Psychological compatibility is the most important thing in a relationship. It is the most important thing in a potential girlfriend and wife. Without psychological compatibility we will not be able to get along and there will be conflicts.
I had too many conflicts in my life to tolerate something like that.
However, it is not clear to me how to find out if a girl is psychological compatible to me. It is not visible on her at all.
Some anime characters such as CC do show psychological compatibility, but it takes the plot of the entire show to truly develop enough psychological compatibility for a character like CC for me to like her.
From my experience most people do not understand complex psychological sentiments. Many do not even believe such things exist.
Because of that they will not be able to understand my psychology enough to me a psychological match. Some like my dad do not even care and willfully ignore my sensitivities.
Thus, it makes it hard for me to look for a girlfriend.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
On Issues with Russian Women
I wrote an article on why dictatorship in Russia and Belarus caused by gender imbalance.
However, there is one more underlying problem with that.
The problem is with underlying culture and attitudes in the country.
Russia is a culture that looks down on creature comforts and neglects care.
Because of that Russian women simply do not understand how to be a caring and supportive wife.
Because they are so physically attractive, they used to be able to find themselves husbands who care about looks more than about anything else. That allowed them to overlook fundamental issues with their inability to care.
However, overtime this inability to care led to many of the issue Russia faces today. Men are simply not born in Russia and those who are born either emigrate or become alcoholics.
Those who emigrate take foreign wives: either Japanese or Latin. Japanese girls have what Russians lack, ability to be caring and supportive wife and behave in a way that appeals to men. Not really sure what Latin girls have.
I mean sure Japanese men are not that manly and girls do not dream of a date with a Japanese man. However, that is a Japanese women problem. Some of them even flee their country and look for a foreign man, just like Russian men do.
Japanese men enjoy themselves as they are. They also enjoy that they women will care for them a lot more than any other women would. I too intend to benefit from the care Japanese women are capable of.
Intentions and Consequences
Contemporary Hypocritical Parents
Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...
There is plenty of debate about the difference between literary fiction and genre fiction as well as misunderstanding of what the literary f...
There are two types of tough people out there, that are fundamentally incompatible with each other. One is the type that choose to be this w...
Some introspection allowed me to put story of my personal tragedy in much better wording. Summarize it somewhat. I can relate to tragic char...