Thursday, December 28, 2023

Weighting Up Girls

Since My Sun Sign is Libra, I like to compare things with each other. I compare everything, anime, video games, laptops, computer parts, hotels and so on. 

I am also a quality bargain hunter and want a lot of good stuff for little price.

Libra is the scales, in the most classical terms you put something on one plate and then a sample weight on the other and see if they even out or not.

Scales can be used conceptually as well, like on that papyrus, where Anubis weights a person's self against feather of truth. 

I of course compare women too. When it comes to women, I use TrueHellDei as a sample weight of womanhood and compare others to it. Sure no one so far could measure up to one full TrueHellDei but I hope someone can at least reach something like 0.1 TrueHellDei. 

Then they can work on themselves to one day reach 0.2 TrueHellDei.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Why Ryo from Kofuku Graffiti is the Best Example of Proper Femininity

Anyhow just look at this kind, gentle face, full of love, care and concern from the bottom of her heart.

Some very important things in life are very simple, trivial even. Good food, peaceful sleep, comfort, convenience and so on.

Some may say boring, but, boring or not, these things are more important that some flashy standoffish shit.

Yes, Ryo is incredibly boring girl, who only has 2 friends and whose only hobby is cooking. However, what she does is very important to me. I care that food on my table tastes well a lot more than for some dubious stuff, such as uniqueness, specialness or what not. 

Sure, I can enjoy someone truly sophisticated like CC or TrueHellDei, who actually has something to say, rather than has to say something. To clarify what that means, she actually has information and Ideas I want to know, rather than simply spews some stupid shit so that I listen to her instead of someone else.

However, even being so smart and sophisticated does not mean that girl can neglect basic traits and skills of femininity. It does not mean that CC does not cook. TrueHellDei clearly does cook and clean, she even prefers doing these things for me rather than not doing them.

Thus, here is a girl, Ryo, that clearly has all these basic traits and hardly has anything else aside from these things.

The path to proper girlhood should start with learning from Ryo to be like her. So all girls should learn and practice these skills. Just like Ryo practicing by cooking for Kumin so that one day she can cook for her bf, husband.

While cooking is the most noticeable trait, Ryo has, she has plenty of other important traits. She always pays attention to needs and desires of those around her and makes sure these needs are fulfilled. She has keen attention to details. It is very important for me that girl pays attention and remembers everything that is important to me.

She is warm and friendly. 

You can take her home, without worrying that she will break something, either on malicious intent or out of emotional frustration. She is not like Sekai from School Days, who break dishes in frustration.

Ryo takes interests of others above her own.

Finally, she makes sure she does not inconvenience people around her. That is very important, as I do not like girls who inconvenience me. Unfortunately, in the past, I have seen all too many women who absolutely do not care if the inconvenience me or men in general. So, this is a sticky issue. In contrast to my past experiences, Asian people often good at not inconveniencing others.

Girls should produce convenience rather than inconvenience.

Monday, December 25, 2023

On St Lucia Manga

Just recently reddit feed gave me a link to a comic/manga about St Lucia. I could not be bothered with remembering its name. It was surprising how much of everything that is wrong with women and dating they managed to squeeze in just one chapter.

Clearly author lives in a bubble and does not see anything beyond their narrow worldview.

It begins with how some "evil" King expels St Lucia from his Kingdom. That is strongly linked to some other women with black hair, who is manipulating him from "behind the throne". Authors clearly assume that men do not make their own decisions and would only ditch a cunt if some other cunt is behind it.

Reasons for kicking St Lucia was also dubious. She was too timid and shy. No man in his sane mind will hate a woman for being timid. 

That name, St Lucia is also pretentious. Story claims she casts and maintains some spell that protects the Kingdom. However, it feels it is just an excuse to give some "use" to this useless character. St Lucia hardly does anything at all. Servants of the King do everything for her. She does nothing on her own. A spoiled Disney style princess. 

In an unrealistic enough fashion, King changes her for an even more useless black hair. Any reasonable men would have ditched them both.

Finally, when King's servants ditch her at the border with another Kingdom, she might finally have to do something herself. However no, instead a new King immediately picks her up, and solves all her problems in an instance. 

Somehow the author assumes all men are like Tsuwabuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena and has nothing better to do then cater to whims of some cunt.

Revolutinary Girl Utena does explore different types of men and women, not just Tsuwabuki type, but here everything is squarely one sided. Even Bikini Warriors have more deep, profound and realistic story and plot.

Even dating advice for women says they should not expect to be treated like princess by men. Some men are like this, but far not all of them.

However, in this manga, women being treated like princesses by Tsuwabuki like simps seem to be the only kind of relationship. Author clearly has a fetish for that.

In the end of the day this manga is just a non-stop fanservice to arrogant, self-important women who wish to be treated like princesses by some Tsuwabuki-like gofer. The type I wants to avoid. 

Hopefully women like that would remove themselves from dating field, so that there will be no risk of stumbling in one while looking for a suitable slave girl/Kajira.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Video How Boomers and Elderly Ruined Everything


To those who are skeptical and do not believe me. Here someone else who sees the problem.

Better Political Compass

It is more like anarcho/X balls should not be in Chaos.

However, a more comprehensive division system is indeed needed.

Original political compass got confused and misinterpreted. It does not reflect some nuances of ideology.

Possibly a six point star with primitivism, chaos, law of the jungle, might makes right in the bottom most. Law of the Jungle is different from anarcho/capitalism or libertarianism. 

Brown for the law of the jungle.

Yellow should be individualism with consumerism/competition.

Blue tradition - things how they have always been - preserving status quo over any change.

Red distribution - free stuff over status quo, universal welfare, not together with totalitarian state

Green - can be equality craze, though it is a question how that can be achieved without some authority.

Magenta can be control - totalitarianism for totalitarianism's sake.

I think six-point star will work better. Also, there is an issue where all these ideologies should be located. maybe move yellow closer to red and green closer to blue

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Pharaoh and Asian Emperor

Asian countries, such as China and Japan, often translate title of their rulers (historical in China's case) as Emperors. While that supposed to give their rulers, and by extension their countries, the dignity of highest ranked monarch, the emperor. 

However, based on nature of their power or role in society, Asian and European Emperors are rather far from each other. 

Meaning and nature of Emperor title in Europe changed and evolved over time. Most recently Napoleon took this title to claim a greater prestige to his country, compared to his neighbors as well as to connect it to Ancient Rome. Thus, an Emperor is a glorified King with an inflated sense of self-importance.

Asian Emperors are in contrast symbol of their country. They are often covered in legends, attributed some supernatural powers and so on. They are also often a head of the religion and sometimes considered a literal living god or a descendant of God. Japan maintains that their Emperors are all direct descendants of Amaterasu.

Napoleon never claimed to be descendant of anything, he was an ordinary man who rose to power through the ranks and success on the battlefield. European Kings or Roman Emperors also rose to their power through the military prowess, even if their descendants sometimes took that power merely by being their son and without possessing any military ability. Original Roman Emperor, Ceasar was but a general who led a rebellion against the legitimate government, won and seize the power for himself.

In contrast in Asia, in Japan in particular, Emperor is hardly a military person. Based on nature of power, it would be Shogun who can be considered Emperor's equivalent. Shogunate was called Bakufu, or tent government, because it was a government by soldiers and military leaders. In contrast Japanese Emperor was more peaceful and spiritual. Imperial life was, and probably still is, full of various, often religious ceremonies. 

Perhaps the closest modern equivalent to Asian Emperor would be Catholic Pope. Pope also claims to be appointed by Jesus himself and to represent the gods will on Earth. Pope too performs various religious ceremonies and acts as spiritual leader to Catholic Christians. His power comes not from military might, but from tradition and respect for God and religion. 

Other branches of Christianity do reject Pope's authority. So, it is easy to underestimate Pope's influence if you are talking to Atheist, Baptist or Anglican person. However, Catholics are majority Christian group globally.

However, historically there was one type of ruler, who was the closest to Asian nature of power, Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. Egyptian Pharaohs considered themselves descendants of gods. Legends attributed them supernatural powers. Life of the Pharaoh was also filled with various religious rituals and such. 

Unlike Pope Pharaoh held both spiritual and temporal power in the country. People listen to them as both spokespeople of gods and authority on all things spiritual, but also as everyday administrators of life. 

Pharaohs did fight in wars as well, but they were not seen as mostly holders of military power, like Emperors and Kings are.

Unlike Pope, but like Kings and Emperors, title of Pharaoh would pass to descendants of the previous ruler. Though actual succession system was about as byzantine as succession to some of the Japanese Emperors of the past.

As a bonus fact, Ancient Egyptian writing system was similar to Chinese Character and Kanji. That is, they were logographs, that represented things are ideas, rather than letters, that represent sounds.

Finally complex Japanese Emperor's Headgear somewhat resembles the crown of Lower Egypt, Deshret. Deshret means Red One, so Japanese would be Black One.

Sure, the original Egyptian civilization is extinguished. Diadochi and Romans gradually chipped away at its unique features. Eventually Muslim Arabs, completely replaced it with their own Islamic ways. However, Legacy of Pharaohs does endure in numerous monuments, temples, papyruses and other relicts of this once glorious civilization. 

Egyptologists do like to study this era and its civilization. Egypt left behind more tangible relics than nearby, Sumer-Babylonia. Egyptian relicts can be found in many museums around the world. In a way they are somewhat of a progenitor of modern Western Civilization. Greeks and Romans came after them.

On Quietness

Yes, quiet girls are the best for the submissive slave maid girl role.

Also, the more perverted the person is, the less likely they will just talk about it openly.

It is easy to say to every idiot you meet that you respect modern feminist women. No everyone will like you, but no one will lose their mind and say something like "disgusting, how could you even think of doing such things to her"

It is much harder to tell anyone that you want your women gagged, leashed and tied up. If you are lucky, you will get a girl who is into it, but chances are you will encounter some moralistic idiot who will go on and on about how women are not dogs to be kept on leashes and so on. Then such moralistic idiot will make it a point of keeping you as far from any woman as possible.

Thus, a real sadistic masters are not very talkative in real life.

Friday, December 22, 2023

On School Days

I am only completed half of the show so far. End of episode 6.

I feel that Sekai is ruining relationship between Itou and Kotonoha. Not because she sleeps with him, but rather because of how she handled it in the early stages of the relationship.

She so much bugged Itou with her incessant advice on how to be a proper boyfriend, that caused Itou to get tired with relationships very fast. Thus, Itou wanted some easy gf, with whom he would not have to try hard. Ironically enough he found it in the very Sekai, who burdened him with advice on being proper bf.

In her own relationship with him, she says nothing critical of him and only feels guilt for stealing him from Kotonoha.

In Kotonoha's defense it was not her who wanted any of that. Sekai was burdening Itou with advice entirely on her own judgement. 

If Sekai would have left it as it is by the end of episode 1, Itou would have grouped Kotonoha like no tomorrow instead. Kotonoha has too little will to actually stop him on her own. However, with Sekai's help, they get Itou to 'respect boundaries'. That ultimately led towards him cheating on Kotonoha with Sekai, who is too hypocritical to use the same advice on her own relationship.

That said dakimakura has that advantage of never complaining no matter how you grope it, abuse, ignore or cheat on it.

In the same lieu, a docile demure girl, who will never complain or resist no matter what you do to her is the best type of girl. The most preferable type of girl.

 In the first few episodes, it was Kotonoha who had this quality and not Sekai.

Well, you can use gags, blindfolds, ropes and leather straps to make your girl as helpless and passive as daimakura, so BDSM is the way to go.

On Adulthood Conclusion

I wrote so much in the previous post and by the end of it felt that the whole thing somewhat missed the purpose. That the key issue remained uncovered. Thus, I decided to write this supplementary article.

The key issue is that society as a whole and some its members in particular do like to burden men with various responsibilities and other such unpleasant things. These responsibilities and hardships can drive one to suicide. 

Thus, dodging and avoiding these responsibilities is essential to happy and pleasant life.

Now women can be a lot of burden. Deliberately or not some of them do make men's life harder than it should be. Discouraging others from seeking relationship with their toxic example.

However, it does not have to be this way. Women can be helpful and useful to a man. By cooking food and cleaning shit she can make men's life better, and she should do these and other things for the man (for me).

It is a question of mindset and upbringing, I guess. Especially of mindset. 

Some women are nothing but useless burden, plague and curse. Other are nice, useful and can make your life better and easier. The question is only how to avoid the former and find the latter.

That does not negate the need for independence and autonomous power base for me. To make sure it is I who call all the shots and control everything.

On Adulthood

Some anime has a recurring theme that sleeping with a woman somehow makes you an adult. Often there are also some goofy characters, that pursue it like no tomorrow.

In reality that it is hardly the case.

In fact, being careless with that thing and doing to a wrong woman can ruin your life in major ways.

Pursuit of sexual relationship is like a trap, laid for you by society. Some women are unwitting bait, who may lead you to ruin unintentionally. However, some women are actually aware of this pitfall and actually willing to drag you down into it, like some preverbal siren or mermaid.

If she gets pregnant and has a baby, then your life might get shackled to this baby for the next 18 years. Sure, laws here differ from country to country, however in Russia it is a common fraud that women do and get away with. Not sure if Australian law is just as much on a pregnant woman side as Russian one is. Possibly not, but it is rather ambiguous.

Sure, you can deny baby is yours and insist on paternity tests. However, you have to be adult enough to understand what these things are. As young person, you might listen to your parents, her parents or her herself and marry her instead pushing her cheating ass away, thus sealing your doom.

Even if paternity does shows you as a father, you can still refuse relationships with her.

Personally, I could never trust my parents to untangle me out of any such complications and prevent women from playing the pregnancy card. In fact, they seemed wished it happened to me instead, such a treacherous people they were. Thus, I avoided women.

Even worse if that happens when you yourself is below 18 and financially dependent on your parents. By getting a baby you might accidently shackle yourself to them, to her and to baby for another 18 years.

A disastrous outcome if you actually worked hard to free yourself from your parents and their influence.

To make matters even worse it might as well be that baby is not even yours biologically. However, if your name is on the birth certificate, you are legally responsible for it. Even if some alpha chad gym junkie knocked down "your" girl, and genetically its half his and half hers. You do not want to work your ass to feed that cuckoo kid, like a cuckold or even witold.

Thus, fast sex can be a receipt to a disastrous mess where best years of your life will be dedicated to working to support a cheating wife and a kid who is not even biologically yours.

Society and boomers created this mess with their feminism and other idiotic ideologies. Now they are asking: why are Millennials are single, do not date, marry or have kids? Because we are not retarded, we have brains, that is why.

Thus, to avoid slaving for the system "to support the family", it is best if you avoid pregnancy, especially early pregnancy.

Sex is not a path to adulthood; it might as well be a trap into literal slavery.

Of course, society is to blame for making it so. Together with boomers who only care for "protecting" women and do nothing for men. First, they skewer relationship dynamic towards things women wants and then ask why men do not want to date or marry. That is because we have nothing to gain from relationship. Even expecting her to make sandwiches or other food is sexist somehow. However what use is a woman that does not cook or clean after you?

Feminism made it near impossible to trust a woman. Without trust there can be no relationship.

Anyhow, we, Millennials will not be cuckolds or slave ourselves to support cuckoo baby. When we are in power, we will be able to rewrite the laws to address our interests and concerns.

Until then it is best to avoid getting entangled with women. Particularly with women who cannot prove you their trustworthiness and lack of any ulterior motives.

To the question of adulthood. Adulthood is when you have agency over your own life. When you are not a pawn to your parents, or some cunning vixen's wishes.

Before taking over the pride, young Lions spend some time alone on their own. That is because they are proud creatures. They are not some cattle who would hang around in a herd where some alpha bull fucks all the cows, while they could do nothing but watch. When they are ready, young lion comes back to kick out the old one, slaughter his spawn and take over the pride for themselves.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Tower Card

Often people associate Tower card in Tarot Major arcana with various disasters and such. However, that is too simple of explanation. 

Tower here is not just any tower, but rather tower or power, as indicated by the crown on top of it. Or perhaps the guard tower that guards the system. The lightning strikes at the top and causes the people to fall. That is change in power and collapse of the old regime.

If Wheel of Fortune indicates change as a basic principle, then Tower is the moment of change. Revolution, coup or even death of the old ruler. It is similar in character to Grand Conjunction, where Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct on the sky. That too indicates change on the top.

While tower indeed shows people falling, that means that those who served the old regime will not stay in power. Similar how end of communism and Nazism lead to widespread attempt to remove all officials, associated with an old regime.

However, Tower can also mean a liberation. Those oppressed under old regime will be freed. For example, France's Ancient regime held its numerous opponents in Bastille in order to preserve their grip on power. During the revolution, crowds stormed the Bastille and freed the people held there. That is a Tower event. Liberation of Nazi concentration camps as well as fall of Berlin Wall and Eastern Block is a similar event. So is the collapse of the August Coup.

I guess fall of feminism is on the cards next.

Feminist War against Traditional Polite Submissive Women

Unlike Asian societies, that often all seem united behind one of the other things. Western one is often in conflict over one or another issue. Some question divides society in half and each half tries to pull the blanket towards their side of the issue.

In current era a question of women's place became such an issue.

Impolite and arrogant women in the West eventually realized that men prefer traditional and submissive women. Left as it is impolite women will remain single forever.

Having eventually realized that, instead of working on themselves and trying to become a more desirable women, they instead decided to ruin other women to their pathetic level.

Thus, a feminist war on polite women begun. 

In this war Feminists had a number of allies. Some businesses, who sell things to women, would benefit from ruining women's natural appeal as that way more of them would buy some stuff from their stores, lured by the false promises of being more attractive.

Parents of daughters tended to be on feminist women side. Most such parents prefer to somehow force men to tolerate their snarky daughter rather than teach them how to be polite and respect man.

Finally, some guilt ridden self-hating men, who like girls like Asuka, ended up joining forces with them as well.

This unholy coalition started a war on polite women and men who prefer them.

Feminists first wanted to make all women around them as selfish toxic and impolite as they themselves are. They lied to them that men prefer feminist women to a traditional one. Being arrogant and impolite, they looked authoritative enough in other women's eyes to convince them to be like them.

Feminists hoped that absence of better alternatives, will force men to pick a feminist woman. However, that did not work.

Alt-right spring up as a counterforce against feminazism. Feminazism attacked Alt-right, calling them Nazi, bigots and what not. Some actual Nazis and radicals joined the movement as well. That made the founders of Alt-Right to question continued membership, as they want nothing to do with actual Nazis. Due to bad rep and too many misconceptions about the aims of Alt-right, some members decided to become Alt-Lite, but that just added to the confusion.

When disillusioned men turned towards Asian women, feminists first criticized men for exploiting Asians, but then they simply decided to convert Asian women to feminism as well.

When disillusioned men turned towards porn and 2D waifus, feminists tried to ban porn, but failed.

Thus, now we have this stalemate. Toxic misandrist feminist coalition, that at their wits end in their attempt to convert men to feminism. On the other side of society is weebs with their waifus, who would rather have a fictional wife who is polite and respects them, than a real one who does not.

What does it mean for a girl, who wants to have a relationship. In order to win over anti-feminist men, they have to betray feminism and side with their opponents. Sure, feminists will not like it, but that is the only way for them to have any man in their lives.

Of course, no one wants feminazi to get into their hair and tell them what to do. Thus, discreetness is of paramount importance. A good girl should be good at hiding their opposition to feminazism, but at the same time clear that she is against it, when she deals with men. She needs some underground resistance skills.

Myth of Western Men

I think among the immigrant women there is a myth than western men do not like traditional submissive women and instead prefer modern confident women.

Feminists perpetrate this myth for their selfish ends.

Reality is that western men want traditional submissive women no less than Asian and Arab men. In fact, those who look for immigrant women, mostly want a foreign woman only because they are perceived as more traditional and submissive compared to western one.

Thus, a foreign women can only interest a western man with some traditional hospitality together with politeness and respect for man.

How Far are Some Myth from Reality

I was writing couple of articles about Cold War era propaganda as well as how middle eastern stereotypes from reality.

However, these are not the only examples of such phenomena. In fact, they are not so many exceptions so much as the rule. Most of the world has only distorted idea of what life is some place far away. I will make several examples.

The further one is from the actual thing, the more distorted the idea becomes. To the point of not resembling the actual thing at all.

First is Gorbachev. Americans condensed the whole idea into a simple narrative. USSR was totalitarian and un-free. Then came savior Gorbachev who decided to bring freedom. He started all sorts of famous glasnost and perestroika things. Words a lot better known in the US than in Russia. However, some evil hardliners did not like that, so they decided to stage a coup and overthrow Gorbi to return things back to how it was before him. However, hardliners lost, and freedom won. Hollywood style happy end.

If you take this narrative as basis of reality, then any criticism of Gorbi will sound like support for totalitarianism. That is far from truth.

That sounds more like Hollywood movie plot. In fact, it even has plot holes in that. For example, who stopped the coup. Some people made actual documentaries that span many hours trying to explain gaps in the narrative. However, they will not be able to explain anything so long as they stick to this overreaching narrative.

It one would oversimplify collapse of USSR in Russia; they would go with something from Looney Tunes: a character enters a house, closes the door and the entire structure just falls on their head. While some do blame Gorbi for destroying the house, others do point out that house was flimsy to begin with. 

Here Gorbi is not a visionary innovator, but a helpless victim of circumstances. Many however do blame him for not figuring out how to fix the economy and everything really during his 6 years in power.

That, however, shows just how far what people think about Russia is from reality. I actually do wonder what people think about other aspects of Russia. I only been inside of it, so I only know how it is for real, not what an average European or American think about the country.

I know the stereotypes of bears in Russia. I personally never seen a bear.

Then there is one about how beautiful Russian woman are. That one is often repeated in Russia as well. They do start using make up, earrings, high heels, follow fashion and such things from 14 years old something, but other than that... 

Also, there are more women than men in the country, in my graduation year we had literary twice as many girls as there were guys. So, half of the girls will remain single even if every single guy will get a gf. Of course, some guys will emigrate out of Russia, others will become gay or alcoholics, so the actual number of potential suitors are even lower. I guess girls want a head start to avoid losing out on relationship prospects.

There is patriotism and support for military and toughness stereotype. Also, there is a stereotype that Russians do not like the West and Western way of life. In reality, 2 out of 3 want to emigrate to the West. Some Russian brands, aimed at domestic market, deliberately pretend to be German, Italian or British (Tervolina, Ralph Ringer and Camelots). Also, people sometimes deliberately break their arms to avoid being drafted into military. No more than 10% of draftable people end up in military, the rest escape it one way or another, typically by getting a medical disability.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Tarot and Astrology

Tarot is a complex system with complicated history. Partly a simple set of playable cards with unusual suits, partly a divination tool. I am not that familiar with the divination aspect. I once had a classmate do a tarot divination for me, but I forgot what she divined for me.

Cards of the Major Arcana have many metaphorical images on them. Images that tell a complex story of what the card supposed to represent. I wrote about one of these cards Wheel of Fortune. There are many others.

In addition to that, there are a number of cards that are associated with different astrological signs or a planet. These images can help one better understand the nature of each sign and role they play in the whole story. Most cards listed on Wikipedia, already have an association with one of the other signs. I would like to make some corrections though. 

I would associate both the Justice and Hermit with Libra; Hanged Man with Virgo; both Tower and Star with Aquarius. Juggler/Magician is Mercury. The last two cards, Judgement and The World are Jupiter and Saturn respectively. Sun and Moon are their respective planets as well. That leaves mars without clear association though, perhaps Death, then Hermit is Scorpio and Wheel of Fortune is Pisces

I would also like to say that Devil card, associated with Capricorn is a good metaphor to feminism. This devilish ideology is as twisted as devil's image in Tarot of Marcelles. Its poison keeps men and women from finding happiness.

The imagery is very similar to Writing on the Wall music video by Iron Maiden. There Samurai Eddy defeats the old guy, who turns into goat-devil and sets free a man and woman.

Wheel of Fortune

Among the tarot cards there is one called Wheel of Fortune. Its meaning however is much more complex than just luck or money. It depicts cycle of fortune and misfortune. This illustration from Carmina Burana shows it in much better detail than you can find on the card itself.

On top is the ruler, the person with the most fortune. To the right of him is a former ruler who fell from power and on his way down. Below is a downtrodden who is oppressed by the current ruler. Finally, to the left is the aspiring future ruler. He climbs the wheel of fortune to make it to the top and take the place of the current ruler.

Wheel is constantly turning, no one will rule forever. Eventually everyone will fall from power However no one will stay down forever either. With the turn of the wheel, those who were down, will begin their ascend, just as those currently on top will begin their fall.

This principle can be seen in many sections of life. In politics where one party is replaced by another. In seasons where for seasons change one another. In generations where one dies out and the other one takes their place. In astrology where all planets traverse all four elements one after another in the same order. Thus, elements and the basic principles they stand for, keep changing each other at the helm. 

The tarot card is actually flanked by the four creatures of evangelists that also stand for four astrological elements. Bull for earth sign Taurus, lion for fire sign Leo, eagle for water sign Scorpio and finally man for air sign Aquarius.

Thus, wheel shall turn and our time to rule will come at last.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Why Girls Can't Be as Demure as Katsura Kotonoha


Why girls can't be as demure as Katsura Kotonoha from School Days, are they stupid?

I only watched 3 episodes so far, but she is what all they have to be.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Two Types of Tough People

There are two types of tough people out there, that are fundamentally incompatible with each other. One is the type that choose to be this way. The other is someone who became this way due to circumstances.

Tough by Choice

It will begin with though by choice type. This is the simpler of two. These are just people who find toughness and strength appealing, so they choose to pursue it on purpose. 

Anime examples of that would be Berserk, Samurai Champloo and likely Cowboy Bebop. Also, characters such as Cornelia or Kallen. People in Code Geass subs who defend Kallen are fundamentally of this type. 

There are likely more like that, but I am not fan of them as I do not like this type at all.

In real life they probably do gym, eat steroids and camp outdoors as leisure and so on.

Their value system entirely revolves around though - wimp axis. Though good, wimp bad, oogha boogha. They unironically measure person worth based on how many times he can lift some stupid weight in gym. The also find value in pain and other such crazy things.

Because of that they are drown to everything they perceive as tough, which is a mistake. After all, not everyone who is tough thinks the same way as they do.

Even if some of them say phrases such as "thug life chose me", that is still a choice to take pride in such things as toughness. Tough by circumstances person would not want to flaunt toughness at all and would rather keep it hidden. Like Cid Kagenou, who is pretending to be very average person.

Tough by Circumstances

Second type is the more complex one. Tough by circumstances did not wish to become this way at all, but happenstances made them so.

Anime examples would be Black Lagoon, Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji (1st season only), Phantom, Requiem for the Phantom, Lelouch and CC from Code Geass.

This is the type I can understand and relate to, because my own circumstances were not kind to me.

These are people with some hard childhood and other hard past experiences, that traumatized them. In some cases, these experiences made them tougher but not always.

They do not go to gym or camp outside for leisure. They could not give a fuck about getting any stronger or tougher, neither can they understand people who do.

While tough by choice people might find tough by circumstances people as attractive or even more attractive as their own type, the opposite is not true. 

In contrast, tough by circumstances people cannot understand tough by choice people at all and would not want to interact with them.

Tough by circumstances people do not value toughness at all, that is why tough by choice people do not appeal to them at all. Neither do they have wimpy people; in fact, they are more likely to be sympathetic to wimps that even normies.

Psychologically, tough by circumstances people either like people with similar dark and painful past or completely pure and innocent people. People with similar dark past can allow them to understand and relate to each other. 

On the other hand, pure and innocent people, who are completely not tough, can allow tough by circumstances people to forget about their painful past and indulge in a happier life. A Pollyanna style happy go lucky wonderland.

Tough by circumstances people can go two ways about living their lives. One it to salvage as much normality as possible. Reiji and Elen going to school is an example of that approach. In school they are not deadly assassins who killed countless people but rather simple students.

The other approach to indulge themselves and do what gives most dopamine and least pain. Some drink alcohol or do drugs. Others pursue more stable escapism, such as anime and videogames. Anything that helps forget pain is good. I personally favor this approach.

As they have not chosen toughness and this path in life but were forced on it. They do hate circumstances and people that made them so. 

For example, Lelouch hates Charles for exiling him to Japan. Reiji and Elen hate Scythe for forcing them to become assassins. Cal hates people who killed her sister as well as Reiji for failing to avenge her. Revy hates her abusive parents. Ciel Phantomhive hates people who ruined his family and reputation. I personally hate my parents and a country I grew up in, Russia, for making my life tougher than it needed to be.

They all seek revenge for the transgressions and insults, assailants committed against them. Most of the time resolution to this grunge can only be achieved through death. 

Sure, someone like Keyaruga managed a more elaborate and twisted vengeance, but for most people tricks such as his are impossible. It was not just about fucking Flare, but also about erasing all her memories, depriving her of comforts and conveniences of royal lifestyle and forcing her to live a life of a commoner, whom she only yesterday used to despise. It's not going to work without erasing memories and there is no readily available means of doing so.


Tough by choice and tough by circumstances are two fundamentally different types of people who will never be able to work together due to fundamental differences in their psychology and worldview.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Finer Grades for Generations

I was long advocating splitting Gen X into at least 2 generations: Gen W and Xennials. Year 1972 should be the divider between these two. Then Millennials will begin from 1984 and end in 1996. That will better match reality. Astrology agrees with that.

However, there are also ways of fine grading other generations as well.

Astrologically speaking, Neptune spends approximately 14 years in each sign. Uranus spends half that amount, neatly subdividing Neptunes run into two halves. Pluto durations vary from 11 to 32 years per sign, but recently it was changing signs at about the same time as Neptune, giving generations two planetary anchors as demarcates.

For example, boomers can be divided by their Uranus placement: those born before 1951 have Uranus in Gemini and those after in Cancer instead. Uranus Cancer boomers produced lots of authoritarian dictators and other questionable characters. Uranus Gemini boomers are nicer and friendlier. My personal experience seems matches that.

Boomers should end on year 1958, giving way to generation W.

I am Possibly Quarter Jewish

While I do not think that my "parents" are my real parents. However, in case they are, it makes it possible that I am quarter Jewish. My grandma on fathers' side is likely Jewish. That will make my dad half Jewish and me quarter Jewish. My grandpa on fathers' side is of Russified Finno-Ugric minority. On mothers' side I think both parents are of Finno-Ugric minority.

At least I am 3/4 Russified Finn, or a Swede if alternative theory is correct.

That makes my situation similar to Adolf Hitler who likely also was quarter Jewish. Not the most flattering comparison.

Misconceptions about Women in Islam

Often stereotypes about Muslims are rather unflattering. Even outside the whole terrorism thing, people tend to think that Muslims oppress women and do all sorts of crazy things.

Reality is that Islam is not that far from Christianity as some people want to think. Sure, something like burqa looks rather outlandish for a non-Muslim, but that is just a part of the requirement for women to dress modestly taken to the extreme. Similar rules exist in Christianity. Just Islam takes it a notch further.

More traditional Christian attire also required women to cover their hair. Catholic and Orthodox nuns still do so. In Orthodox Christianity woman will not be allowed into a Church unless she covers her hair.

Christianity is not like Judaism, that allows women to do whatever and makes men go along with it. Though I am not sure if all Judaist denominations are in agreement on that, I think more orthodox Judaism also regulates what women can do. 

What however Islam makes right is the dual nature of these rules. Unlike Christianity that requires woman to dress modestly at all times, Islam makes a stark contrast between public and private attire. Publicly women are required to dress modestly to avoid attracting any attention from strangers. That is to avoid or at least minimize chances of her cheating on her husband. Privately at home however she can dress in sexy outfits in order to look attractive to her husband. There are lingerie stores in Muslim countries.

That way she gets sex, and he gets loyalty and peace of mind. 

That works, unlike feminism. Feminism gives nothing to men, so men do not even want to marry or date a girl in a feminist society. In the end woman does not get her sex either and forced to live a lonely life. Husband can't force her to cover her hair if she does not have one.

Other Islamic rules such as prayer, circumcision or halal food are hardly relevant to our society, but the way it handles women is something to adopt. Christianity clearly lost its purpose by forgetting to regulate women properly.

Why I need to Humiliate Women

Scorpio is a peculiar sign of the Zodiac, a destroyer that clears the path for something new. Because sometimes before something new can be created, old has to be destroyed to make way for new.

However, Scorpio is also a sign that likes to humble people down. I myself have lots of Scorpio placements, so I like to see my women humbled before me.

As Libra Sun, I am rather proud myself, so I apply different standards towards myself and towards women.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Lost Memories

Since I have basically no memories of the first 6 years of my life, that raises a question of what kind of live I lived before. Sure my "parents" game me a backstory of my past and even showed me some photos. However, all that could be a lie.

While I do not have any cohesive memories or idea where I was back in the days, I do have some patchy memories that is hard to connect with anything. One of the large lofty room with white painted diagonal roof. Another of the red toy helicopter, that I somewhat remember playing with and owning, but I have never seen it among my toys in later stages in life. Another is a shallow lagoon in a very cold, intensively northern sea (possibly Baltic), it was surrounded by rather high but not too dense yellowish high grass. Final is buildings of dark grey stones and streets with relatively neat grass and trees next to the pavement, all adding up to a dark but cozy street. The grass was not like that in Russia, where it is nearly going extinct due to toxicity of air, however it was not trimmed to a very short heights, like in Australia for example. (Not really like on the picture above though, but that could be another town)

Perhaps these memories were of a country I used to live in during my early childhood. It could be something like Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden or Scotland. My parents once mentioned something about Latvia. However, that could be something like Sweden or Finland instead.

I do not exhibit much traits people associate with Russia. In school in Russia, I was somewhat of an outcast. Almost as if other kids sensed an outsider and treated me with hostility. I kind of never get it why they treated me the way they did. Almost as if instincts of actual Russian kids would be able to navigate it. However, I was not Russian so, I did not know what to do. In the country I am really from it is not like that.

On the other hand, I do like Finnish music a lot. One of my friends from Russian Uni introduced me to it, and I picked up. So, it is possibly Finland. I wonder if I can get a Finnish citizenship with something like that.

It could be Sweden though. That picture possibly

Wakoku and Nippon

I read an article on Wikipedia that back in the days Japan had an alternative name, Wakoku. That roughly means Humble or submissive country. 

Surely that is not the most flattening of names, however such name suggests that Japan possesses the most important of 7 Heavenly virtues, that is humbleness. That is one of the reasons why the world just loves Japan.

In contrast China, who calls itself a Central Country or Middle Country, possesses a deadly sin instead. That of Pride.

I guess we can mock China by calling the Chunibyo country.

Why World Cannot Be United

Nothing will change. World will still remain divided by race, religion, profession and so on.

Why a 'unified world' even needed to begin with?

Cells divide rather than unify. Thus unifying the world contradicts the basic principles of life.

Idea that these things divide humanity is backward to begin with. That is it is not that these things were always there as an evil obstacle to separate humanity into groups. It was that humans created these divisions deliberately to separate themselves from people they did not like. Just like people build fences to separate their lawn from that of their neighbor.

Languages too used to be one, but then divided into several. During Roman Empire time, there was only one Latin language. Not one language in the Empire as Egyptians and Jews had their own language, but there was only one Latin Language, that Romans themselves invented and used.

However over the course of first millennium, when the empire collapsed, different parts of the empire started alter the Latin language they used, a little bit at first, them more and more later. Overtime these localized Latin languages became mutually unintelligible. In modern times instead of calling them Latin Language, we instead call it a language family that includes all the languages that split from the original Latin. The main splinter languages are Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, but there are also plenty smaller ones, such as Monegasque or Romansch.

This trend somewhat continues in former Spanish colonies. They all use Spanish, but there are some regional variations here and there. Some words Uruguayans use would puzzle even a Colombian, much less a Spaniards. They still do not call it an Uruguayan language.

However boers from South Africa did. When their ancestors moved from Netherlands to South Africa around 400 years ago, they all spoke the same Dutch they use in Netherlands, However over time their language evolved separately from Dutch and became its own thing. Now they call their language Afrikaans.

When we settle Alpha Centaurii and other Galaxies, we will speak Centaurian and other new languages and will never go back.

Even European Union, that unites European countries, only increase number of languages, that is spoken throughout the Union.

The reasons for these divisions are the reality itself. When old does not work, one has to create new and better.

Maybe Rome was great once, but eventually it became corrupt and unable to satisfy its citizens. Thus it had to be abolished and replaced with a system that works for the people. Ancient Romans did not want to care for the old geezer emperors, so they ditched them in favor of north-eastern barbarians, who do more for less money.

My Path Towards My Attitudes Towards Women

I like gender roles how they are in Japan or on platen Gor. Men are lords of the household; women are always secondary and subservient to the husband.

Back when I was young, the way my parents' marriage worked did not made any sense to me. My mom did not respect my dad, even though she was only a housewife and he made big money. The amount of respect and privilege she was getting for being a mother, despite being a very lazy one, baffled me. It was completely undeserved. I was thinking that marrying a woman would be the most retarded thing to do and I will never do something like that.

Then I met some Asian women and seeing them respect me a lot changed my mind. From there on I wanted a girl like that. Now I think Asia and Japan in particular have it worked out perfectly.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

On Smoking

Recently government announced, that they will increase tobacco restrictions. As much as I hate smokers for puffing these toxic substances near me. Some cigarettes made of such toxic substances, it makes me cough and hard to breath if someone smokes in two meters distance. I however do not think that simply doing the whole heath warning more and more will help the cause.

I think health warnings already did their thing. Those who care for their health already quit or have never picked smoking. Those who remain, will not be swayed by threat of cancer death. To the contrary they might be even enticed by it.

One reason for people to smoke that it is associated with being cool. People think that smoking gives you anti-social rebel credo. For people like this the more government cracks down, the more they are inclined to pick up the habit.

Some informal social groups could consider smoking as part of initiation. A way to prove yourself. People end up picking it up to fit it. The fact that smoking is dangerous to health only make them more likely to do it. To show their peers that they are not pussy and not afraid of no cancer.

The fact that smoking is forbidden for minors, will make them think this is something associated with adulthood. They will do it to show everyone that they are adult.

Another thing is association of smoking with sex. Some older movies show couples smoking after sex. Thus, people might want to smoke to show others that they have sex. Misguided may be, but that is what they possibly think.

To tackle all that you need much more nuanced and comprehensive approach.

First of all, you need associate smoking with something lame. Something only losers do. That way people will start think that it does not makes them cooler.

Informal social groups are harder to deal with. However, they too often care for coolness, so they will be unlikely to do anything lame.

Then we need to disassociate smoking with adulthood. Harder said that done. Legalizing it for minors will not do. Perhaps some other form of socially acceptable adult thing to do. There is drinking beer, but that is much more cumbersome and inconvenient.

Associating smoking with sex is possibly the biggest problem of them all. In modern culture, where proving you are not a virgin and have sex regularly works as social credo, anything that works are 'proof' of sexual life will be picked up like hot doughnuts. Time for studies that show that smoking causes impotence and infertility. 

One final thing: going to smoke is a socially acceptable reason to take a break from work. There should be some other form of socially acceptable breaktime, possibly mandated in Labor Law.

In conclusion I would like to hope that smoking can indeed be eliminated one day. If not, replacing it with vaping is sure much better. In fact, banning cigarettes and only allowing vapes would make life better for everyone.

Actual Sins and Virtues, Part Two


A continuation of the series of posts overview and first part are there.

Sloth and Diligence

Sloth is often equated with plain laziness. That is true to a certain extent. However, there is more to it that just that. Sloth much rather be equated with indifference, rather than to laziness per se. 

In general laziness is too generic of a term, that people just slap on any inaction the do not like. However, doing so prevents you from thinking about actual reasons for such inaction, that are important to solving it. Thus, calling people lazy is sloth, as you cannot be bothered to understand reasons for their inaction.

Some might argue that sloth will never be appealing to any gender. In fact, it is women who often complain that their husband or bf is a 'coach potato'. Sure, you want to avoid this kind of pitfall.

However, if you spin if differently, suddenly you can look like a cool kid. Say something like "I could not care less for [insert the issue here]" or even "I do not give a fuck; I do not give a shit" and see how that changes the mood. Suddenly you are not lazy coach potato, but a cool guy who does not sweat small stuff and only cares for shit, that actually matters.

Now you can start attracting women with the power of your own laziness. How cool is that.

On the other end of the division is diligence. That is precisely the opposite of sloth. Attention to details and small stuff. Men do appreciate women who take due care and concern for small stuff precisely. 

Laborious attention to details, perfectionism is rarely praised openly and to great length, however it can be a game changer. Blizzard for example often say that they pay great attention to details in their games. The enduring popularity of World of Warcraft is a testament of how important Diligence is.

People say what not about Yennifer from Witcher series, but she never forgets that Geralt does not like portals and always gets out of her way to make sure she does not make him use portals. That is one of the reasons I actually liked her. See how important small stuff is.

That one can be hard to get right though. You need to be able to tell what small stuff is actually important and what is just a waste of time.

Wrath and Patience

Wrath is often depicted as some angry yelling and even violence provoked by some minor insults. That is oversimplification, however. Being the opposite of patience, wrath is impatience with people and circumstances. The infamous Karenism, where you cannot just tolerate the circumstances and have to lash out on someone.

The fact that Karen became a meme in itself probably does not require me to elaborate on the fact, why wrath is bad. Especially for a woman. However, I do need to better outline what is the opposite of being Karen, the patience.

Patience is important quality. Perhaps one of the most important for a woman. After all they have to wait for their husbands to return from work. Children also require a lot of patience to deal with, as they are slow to learn and take 18 years to grow adult. If a woman cannot tolerate minor inconveniences, that shows men around her that she is not qualitied for being a wife or a mother. That just works on instinctual level, and they ignore her.

Wrath is probably the least socially acceptable sin out there. Sure, people might not like sloth or greed, but being lazy and greedy will not land you with problems with police or security. Wrath however can. 

Unlike other sins, this one does interfere with other people's wellbeing, so it is more dangerous. Also, this is the ugliest of all sins, at least in my opinion. Prideful people can be ignored for example, but wrathful ones...

However, there can be benefits of being wrathful in a relationship with a woman. That is one cheap way of showing your strength. It does seem that sometimes women even provoke wrathful response deliberately in order to see if a man has strength.

In civilized society wrath can only lead to a trouble. However, in wild nature, showing strength can scare predators and competitors. So, it is a desirable trait. Women are still attuned to see it this way in a relationship.

There are still dangers of wrath even in a relationship, so I would recommend other sins instead.

Envy, Contentment and Kindness

Envy is a desire to have something that others have. No matter who you are, there is someone who has a better car, house, wife, clothes, mobile phone and so on. Desire to have the good stuff that others have is envy.

This one takes it one step further compared to Greed, mentioned in the previous article. If greed is to simply covet more stuff, then envy is a specific desire to have what something else has. Unwillingness to accept that someone has something you do not. In Australia we call it Tall Poppy Syndrome. A dogged determination that no one should be better off than they are.

If greed a desire to have another Lambo in your collection, then envy is determination that no one has more Lambos that you do.

Envy can be a very destructive trait, if you go about, it by destroying wealth others have, so that no one can rival you. That however can be useful for a man in maintaining your relationship with women. Women like to think that they have the best men in their lives, so not losing this status together with her to a dude with more Lambos than you have, might be useful. You might not even need to hide this desire from her, she might even agree that no one should be allowed as many Lambos as you have.

As much as many women would think that ruining all these cunts who get too close to your guy seems like a good idea, I would like to caution against it. He will surely not appreciate your efforts if he learns about them. You might even lose your relationship as he would find it detestable. Surely you might try to do it behind his back, but there is a risk you will get caught. Not that it would stop most of you. However, risk of losing him to a better girl is less than what it appears.

I think it is more appropriate to contrast Envy with Contentment rather than with Kindness. We already have Charity opposite of Greed. Kindness is basically Charity, is it not? In fact, Kindness is a better word to Charity than Charity itself. I already wrote on Charity in part one.

Contentment is acceptance of one's place in life and lack of any desire to get better stuff.

In modern free market economy contentment is does not sound like a virtue, a desire to better yourself in various ways can be considered a good thing, while acceptance of things as they are. 

In contrast in more conservative society, such as Medieval, where everyone just out to know their place and not covet any higher position, envy was considered a sin. After all peasants should just work for the robber barons and do not dream of one day becoming a baron themselves. Barons themselves sure will not appreciate anyone coveting their place in society.

On the personal level, women are much more likely to approve of a guy who wants to better himself in various ways. Women want to marry the best guy possible and of course would like to see someone trying to better their place in life.

On the other hand, men would rather have a girl who is happy with what she got. It is much more reassuring when she does not want to better her lot, because that bettering one's lot for a girl often means to find a better man. If she wants someone else, then why bother with her at all.

Pride and Humbleness

Now we finally reached the most important sin, pride. Pride is a believe that you are awesome and better than everyone else. At the very least that you are special and unique, not like everyone else.

In contrast humbleness, the most important virtue, is a believe that you are less important than everyone else. Humbleness is when you think there are more important and deserving people than you are.

Internet sometimes lashes out on prideful people, there is even a term unwarranted self-importance. Being prideful can attract hostility from people around you. From men specifically as it wounds their own feelings. Pride may get you isolated. Some people really hate prideful people, that is why it is called sin. I personally do not like prideful girls.

However, pride is probably easiest way to win girls' approval. There is almost no risk, and it easily ticks near all the boxes in her book,

So never neglect to tell you how awesome you are, how everyone else is nothing but scrubs and losers compare to you and how she is lucky you picked her from all the other cunts out there. She will be happy.

If you do not exhibit pride, then she will not be able to respect you. That will ruin your relationship with her.

Just do it privately to not attract envious people who might want to take you down.

Finally, Humbleness. That is the most important virtue that wins all the time after all. 

While girls' logic goes something like that, if she admits that some other cunt in better than herself, then the guy will simply dump her for that better girl. That is however not how guys think.

There is plenty of evidence of that. For example, sex shops are full of sexy French maid outfits. Maid is essentially a cleaner, the lowest and most humble work out there. They clean shit after other people. If men would not find this role sexy, then sex shops would sell something else instead. 

In contrast princess or queen outfits can hardly be found in any sex shops. The 'best' girl of higher status, princess, do not interest men sexually at all.

It is the same with pornography, there is plenty of porn with maids, but almost none with any princesses. Men do not fap to princesses, they do not want to fuck them either. Men want maids.

In anime it is the same. Take Re;Zero, where Subaru chooses Emilia over the humble maid, Rem. Sure scriptwriters can write whatever, but fans do tell you the truth. OneTrueRem reddit clearly more popular than a similar one for Emilia and is updated much more frequently at that as well. Fans love their humble maid, no matter how critics screech in the corner 'Rem who?'

Thus, humbleness is the most important trait for any woman. The humbler she is, the more she will be loved.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Actual Sins and Virtues


Previous article was good at laying the groundwork, however nature of each individual sin and virtue still has to be covered separately.

However, first is a a more conceptual idea.

Devilish sinful charm is not something like a guilty conscience. A demon is someone who willingly defy God as well as everything he stands for. Every rule and every virtue. You should not feel any guilt, just a complete determination to corrupt and defile everything you can get your hands on. As if you try to say fuck god with every action you take. Complete defiance like that of pirate and an outlaw. Why do you think girls like outlaws.

Similarly, an angelic purity and innocence is not a moral high ground. Any high ground, no matter how moral, is a sin of pride. Angelic purity and innocence is that a newborn puppy or a kitten, who is willing to blindly trust everyone around them. Like a freshly cleaned white clothes. Blank and unstained with any colors, but ready to be stained by the one who will claim it. That is the reason why the bride's dress is purely white, with no other colors in the mix. Even bride's face is covered in veil.


The first sin is lust and the opposing virtue to that is chastity.

Lust is simply a desire to fuck, to have sex. Now some might ask, what is so wrong with healthy sexual drive. Why Church calls it sin, are they stupid, or is it something else. It is something else.

A guy who actively wants to fuck a woman or even fuck anything at all, will be well liked by women. So, a guy should not hide his sexual desires from object of his desires. Being confident and upfront about it can win a lot of points. Sure, you might have to observe some social norms, perhaps use innuendo, but you should not think of the desire to stick your dick into her as of something to hide from her.

The opposite is not true, however. A lusty girl would be called a slut and shamed. The reasons are many. First guys do not appreciate it if women have any sexual partners other than themselves. Being too lusty will make them think, you covet sex from others as well.

The second reason is physiological. It is a man who has a dick, and it is he who will be sticking it into a girl. As much as girl can be penis-envy and wish to have one herself, she does not have one. So, she should not behave as if she intends to stick anything into anyone.

She however should be receptive of his advances. Chastity is not the same celibacy where you deny all sex and sexual things. Chastity is loyalty to one partner paired with sexual passivity, where one does it to satisfy the other and not themselves. 

Men much prefer to think that sex is about satisfying themselves. Some even believe that girls do not need sex and even will feel better without sex at all. 

As much as girls probably crave it a lot more than men do, it just works better if they act like they only do it for him and only for him. They do it only to make him feel better by massaging his dick with their holes and body, not to satisfy any of their own cravings.

They should not fall into celibacy either, by willfully denying him sex. That is called cock-blocking and is not appreciated at all.

Maintaining careful balance between lust and celibacy is chastity.


Gluttony often associated with overeating and getting fat. However, it should be taken in a broader meaning. An unrestrained behavior of any kind, where you just go for whatever, you want. "I want it all, I want it now:". Even:"I do whatever I want".

In contrast temperance is modesty in consumption of all things. Limiting yourself to your basic needs and doing with little.

Temperance is much easier to explain. Sad truth for many girls is that guys do not like fat girls. However, that goes much further than that. They also do not like girls who drink too much alcohol. Do drugs, smoke, eat too much, party too much, talk too loudly, spend too much and so on.

In fact, the more girl can deny herself, the more guys will like her. If that would not be true, then kimono and pencil skirts, that obstruct the movement significantly would not be popular with men. Sure, kimino is exotic Japanese dress, but many office girls around the world wear pencil skirts.

Thus, temperance is girl's best friend.

The opposite of temperance seems wrong, but I would like to quote Iskander from Fate/Zero here. "The king must be greedier than any other. He must laugh louder and rage harder. He must exemplify the extreme of all things, good and evil. That is why his retainers envy and adore him." Male retainers will hardly be impressed, but women will surely be and will want to sleep with him.

Women think that guy who is bigger than others in all things are also stronger and more alpha than the rest. May be dumb but it works.

To paraphrase this quote for girls. "The angelic girl should be more modest than any other. She must be the quietest and calmest of them all. She must exemplify the moderate and average of all things, good and evil. On then men would want to fuck such as mysterious angelic being."

Greed/Charity (Kindness)

Greed is desire for having more money owning more stuff as well as advancing your status in society. That seem like the most common-sense aspiration one can have. Acting contrary to all of these seems like the most stupid thing to do.

On the other hand, charity is something society approves a lot. There are plenty of various charitable organizations that help different people in need. Billionaires donate millions to charitable causes. So, throwing away your money does have some social benefit after all. Or is it?

I will start with a simpler question. Girls indeed prefer greedy man. For much of the same reason as the gluttony above. They can feel that if you are greedy who have what it takes to compete with others, win and take control of your prize. At the very least you will look like someone who knows what he wants and who goes for it. Girls like these qualities. Greed looks like strength and charity can sometimes look like weakness and stupidity. 

If not greed, then at the very least they do not find charitable behavior endearing at all, so you might as well be selfish.

Sure, charity is socially approved thing. However, there is more to it. On informal level people will appreciate it if you can help them or share/give something to them. Some will sure take advantage of it. That is another way to look at it. 

However, whether they have genuine need or taking advantage, they will still much rather interact with someone who gives them free stuff than with someone who do no. It is a tradeoff between wishing for more company at expense of money and other resources. Or preserving one's resources/belongings at expense of social isolation. Each make their own decision on this one. However, if one is greedy, then they should not complain that no one wants to talk to them.

Another thing is childcare. Children need a lot to grow up and parents should provide for them. Particularly a woman, as women do most of childcaring. If she is too greedy/stingy than kid will likely go without. That is not a good sign for a future mother.

Finally, unlike women who respect strength and intelligence, guys value people who give them free stuff much more than someone who does not do so, no matter what the reasons might be.

I will continue with the remaining sins/virtues in a separate article.

7 Deadly Sins and 7 Heavenly Virtues

Christianity sure has a lot of useless and toxic ideas that you are better off without. However, there is one thing, that is not that useless, providing that you use it properly. That is 7 deadly sins paired with their counterpart of 7 heavenly virtues.

Of course, it is ludicrous to claim that deadly sins will result in literal eternal damnation. Or that a good moral person has to possess all the virtues. Some fundamentalist Christians might claim something like that, but that is not the point.

There is however one field where these 7 sins/virtues, can help one, and that is attraction in the eyes of the opposite gender.

If you have all 7 heavenly virtues, you will be some cute angelic being, loved by men everywhere. In contrast if you possess all 7 deadly sins, you will be a devilishly attractive demon and will seduce and corrupt the abovementioned cute angelic girls.

I once wrote a book, called principle of opposites, where I outlined how men and women are fundamentally attracted to the polar opposite qualities. 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues, that are also polar opposite of each other.  fundamentally work the same way. However, subsuming all the traits to just 7 will likely make it easier to follow and understand. Not to mention each have plenty of real-life examples.

Angelic Women

Virginity, innocence and purity of a woman was always valued by men. You must have heard phrase "innocent, like an angel." 

Angel is a very common theme in fiction, pop culture and social consciousness. Pure innocent beings, who are pious and possess all the heavenly virtues. There are movies, anime, songs and other media that features angelic beings. Almost always these beings are women. Take Sora no Otoshimono or Angel Next Door. Even Victoria Secret features angels in promotion of their lingerie.

In addition to angels, there are other pure beings, such as nuns. If men would find fucking a nun, a literal symbol of piety, not attractive, then there will not be so much porn, featuring nuns.

Men too sometimes call girls they like angels. Some may use this word in describing their ideal girl. A little angel. At the very least you will never meet a guy who will scoff at the idea of angelic girlfriend.

There are also stories about innocent and pure angels being corrupted by a devilishly attractive demon. 

However, if men love angels, how can a simple ordinary girl possibly become one. Sure, you can buy a pair of fake wings, but that is not what it's all about. How you can have qualities and personality traits, that will make you angelic. The answer is 7 heavenly virtues.

Possess all 7 heavenly virtues and everyone will like you and will want to fuck and corrupt you.

How you know that these 7 heavenly virtues will work. Simple. Many rules of the world are written by men, and if men call these to be good, then you can sure men like those who exhibit these qualities.

Devilish Men

For men it is seven deadly sins, that can help you slay all the pussy in vicinity and commit sexmageddon. How can you slay any pussy or anything else for that matter, if your sins are not deadly enough.

Similarity enough, there are plenty of fiction where some demonic or unholy beings seduce and corrupt women. Take Dracula or even Edward Cullen. Sure, you can laugh at how stupid the book is, sure the author is not next Hemingway and will not be winning any Nobel Prizes in Literature until Hell freezes. However dark evil vampire protagonist captures female imagination well enough.

Besides ever since time immemorable people used to say sex in itself is sinful. Some take it as if they should abstain from sex. However instead you should embrace it and be sinful enough to cause sex. It was an evil and likely sinful snake, who seduced Eve to take an apple. Sure, women are praised for being pure, innocent and virgin, however no one ever called a pure and virgin men praiseworthy.

Finally, while devil is often associated with color red, so it for example red lights district. Phrases such as devilish charm, devilish attraction all hint that the more of a devil you are, the more attractive you are in female eyes. Note that these phrases are a lot more often used when talked about men, rather than about women.


Thus, women should be angelic enough to attract men and make them willing enough to corrupt them and slay their pussies. Men would not be attracted to a woman who is corrupted already. Women should not be sinful, unless they would rather slay pussies of other women instead of attracting men to slay theirs. Kind of like Blade from Redo of the Healer.

Men in contrast should embrace all the sins. At least in dating scene. Sure, being heavenly virtuous can get you something like an approval of male colleagues, or your parents. However, to slay the pussy, you need to embrace sin.

I will make a separate article about each individual sin.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

On Being a Military Officer

Being a rank and fire soldier is not really my thing. Bottom ranks in the military have to go through too much physically exhausting work, for that to appeal to me.

However, there is some appeal in the discipline and order of the military. Nonetheless what I want is not to be a working part of it, but rather command over it.

Back in the childhood I actually wanted to be a captain of the Cardinal's Guards. I was still too young to understand the kind of authority Cardinal himself or a King have. However, it was clear to me that Captain of the Guards, d'Jussac, is the boss on the battlefield. Particularly in that horse chase segment in the middle of the show. I wanted to be like him and command people.

Theoretically military accepts recruitments from the rank of lieutenant, but I am not sure if just a bachelor's degree is enough for that. Then I can get promoted to captain and eventually a General.

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...