Saturday, September 30, 2023

On Shades of Pink

Very light and very dark shades of pink look rather nice: 

However, the intermediate shade of pink looks hideous:

Light, pale pink

Lighter shade of pink, such as this one:

Looks nice, gentle, soft and girly. It is nice.

Darker Shade of Pink

On the other hand, darker ones look sophisticated and mysterious.

Middle Magenta Pink

However, this middle shade of pink looks really hideous.

I look cold and unfriendly. You do not want to touch it.

Maybe it attracts some attention, but in the bad way.

It is so sad that this middle shade of pink that got so ubiquitous nowadays.

Many of My Friends Are Muslims

When I arrived in Australia, I ended up making a lot of friends who were Muslims. At first, I thought it was merely a coincidence. After all, not all of my new friends were Muslims and there were many Muslims in Australia in general and in my uni in particular.

However now I started to think that there is something about Muslims, that allows me to get along with them rather well.

First of all, Muslims do not drink alcohol. I too do not drink much but not that out of religions. consideration. I think that because Muslims do not drink, they cannot socialize by merely getting drunk and then going wild. Since I am also not a fun of going wild, that works for me.

Second is that Muslims have to have more intellectual hobbies to that can be entertaining enough for a sober person. Since I do not drink, I too have hobbies that are entertaining for a sober person. That allowed me to connect with some people, like Sameer for example.

Thirdly, Muslims have more reserved behavior in general. They are not like Christian conservatives who practice ascetism, self-penance and extreme modesty. Muslims can be very unrestrained when it comes to food and music, which I like. I like to eat. However, Muslims generally do behave on the level. Also, Muslims are rather generous people in general.

Finally, Muslims have strict rules that control what women can and cannot do. I personally like it when women are restrained and controlled. I think control over women is what severely lacking in modern society.

Sure, not everything is good about Muslims. Some of their rules are hard to understand for people of different culture. Others such as prayers and fasting are too bothersome to follow. Because of that I will not convert to Islam myself. In general, I do not believe that God exists.

However overall Muslims are rather easy for me to interact with.

World Should Stop Revolving Around Woman's Whims

I think for around decade or so the world seems to begin revolving around woman's whims.

Partly it is woman's own fault of course for just expecting men to prove their worth to them without offering anything in return.

However partly it is also a fault of the male enablers who just give women whatever they want. I called these types of men toxic moral men in one of my previous articles.

These simpy men who do anything she wants, and whimsical women they end up cultivating ended up becoming the most omnipresent type of relationship out there. I see so many couples that look like that. I would not want to talk to them myself to make sure.

That goes so far so that men of Male Master Race like me do not even want to date any woman around us as, these spoiled women are completely unappealing.


I fact, I would even say that these toxic moral men deliberately spoil women around them so that people of Male Master Race would avoid these women, and toxic moral men would then get all the women for themselves.

The way things look does show that they have succeeded. Unfortunately, 'modern' is completely unappealing to everyone but these toxic moral men.


Regardless of whether this is a conspiracy or not, women cultivated by toxic moral men are completely unappealing. Thus, actions of toxic moral men do ruin all daring and relationship prospects for any other types of men. 

It affects both genders equally.

The image of relationship, the toxic moral men created, lingers around in collective consciousness like a evil ghost. 

Even if not all men are like that, women would assume they are and try to interact with them as if they are toxic moral men. Male Master Race members will simply look away or walk away in disgust. However, that does not solve a relationship problem for them. If that continues, they will stay single forever.

Men of Male Master Race too assume that all women are selfish toxic and spoiled and do not want to do anything with them. Some turn to porn, others to Asian women as Asian women stereotypes contrast heavily with selfish and toxic 'modern' woman.

How that affects women

Not only men of Male Master Race cannot find a woman, but women who want anyone but toxic moral men simp will also have problem finding a different kind of man.

Even if she manages to find one, she will not be able to attract him. Since toxic moral men prevented her from developing skills and abilities, necessary to date a man of a Male Master Race she will not be able to do it, even if she actually wants to.

She might even end up stalking him, unwilling to give up, but unable to succeed.

Examples to Follow

The fact remains that in common collective consciousness that exist in the West there are no skills, role models or examples of relationships that will satisfy men of Male Master Race.

Whatever does exist are often labelled as sexist and misogynist by feminists.

However, no matter what feminists say, a woman needs these sexist and misogynist skills and cloths to appeal to men of Male Master Race. Without them, Male Master Race will continue to look at Asians and porn.

Out of Asian cultures, only Japanese one clearly makes sure that women show men proper respect that is essential in a relationship with men of Male Master Race. Other Asian cultures could be spoiled by years of Communism in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos or other factors. After all communism is feminist and all it teaches women is not conductive to a relationship with men of Male Master Race. 

Maybe some of women from these countries could go back to a more traditional way of interacting with men. However, I am not sure if all of them have knowledge of their traditional culture. Also, not every traditional culture makes woman show respect for man, so it might not work for some countries.

Alternatively, there is also Muslim culture that makes women show deference and respect to men. 

This fact was the reason why mujahedeen of Afghanistan opposed communist rule in their country. They did not want commies to make their women disobedient to men and was willing to wage a guerilla war on USSR to prevent it. 

Then they went for some radical measures to reinforce their traditional intergender interactions, by sentencing women to capital punishment for violating these rules.

This in turn lead to the US invasion into Afghanistan.

Islam is rather strict when it comes to rules for women as well as for violating these rules. However, nothing bad happens to those women who follow these rules. That looks like an increasingly attractive alternative to feminism.

After all I want a woman who obeys and follows my rules to the letter.

I would say Japanese culture rules are better than Islam, but may be Islam will work as well?

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Girls Should Accept their Inferiority, Extended

I remember there was a political spat between David Leyonhjelm and some women over ban on camper vans with explicit inscriptions. The issue was around one particular van that had picture of a dog holding a chicken in its mouth and an inscription: 'Happy Bitch with a Cock in her mouth.' The innuendo was clear. Bitch is a slur for a woman and cock is penis. Inscription alludes to blowjob.

I am of course on David Leyonhjelm side who opposed the ban on camper vans. 

In fact, I personally believe that women should embrace their role as a happy bitch with cock in their mouth. Such women are much more likeable and sexier than so called modern feminist women who find this inscription insulting. I personally will only fuck a bitch who is happy to have cock in her mouth and will avoid any female who finds this insulting.

Such primitive girl is much better than woman who 'learned' some useless feminist bullshit and now thinks she is anything else. The fact that men prefer Asians who are immune to feminist bullshit means that feminism does not work.

Humble girl who not only knows but also accepts her place as a bitch, is what men want. What I want.

In fact, if a woman is truly wise, she will attempt to be humble and lower her head before men. She knows men like it. Men prefer a woman who thinks she is inferior to them. They would rather have bitch who is happy to have a cock in her mouth than a woman who respects herself and think she is equal to them.

Variations of Female Inferiority

Inferior bitch is not the only option for a woman. There are plenty of other options: servant, maid, slave, baby, pussy, subordinate, cunt and so on. The world girl in itself carries a level of inferiority compared to more adult woman. However, while a woman wants a 'real' man and not a boy, a guy actually wants a cute, adorable girl and not an 'adult' woman. That way it is clear who is more mature, stronger and so on in this relationship. So, while women want guys to mature faster, guys want women to stay immature for as long as they can; or simulate immaturity. Japanese girls are good at simulating immaturity. 

Girl has to communicate it.

Considering out modern world is full of feminists it is hard to tell if a girl I see is a bitch who is happy to have cock in her mouth or a feminist woman who respects herself. I do not want to waste my time on the latter, so the former has to communicate it to me what they are. She should make it clear that she is a bitch who will be happy with cock in her mouth and not a feminist who respects herself.

Since something like that is not clear based on clothes and such, she has to communicate it among other things verbally.

I want to see it that she accepts that she is an inferior gender in general and inferior to me in particular. She should make it clear that she does not think that women are equal to men, but that they are inferior to men. 

She must be subservient to me. That she will be subservient to me. That her purpose is to obey my orders, clean and cook.

She also should say that she is dickless piece of fuckmeat and craves male's duck in her fuckholes. That she will do anything for a man (for me in particular) to earn her orgasms.

On Sex

Anyhow my dick does not get hard on any self-respecting feminist or otherwise woman who thinks she achieved something in life and have any pride.

My dick only gets hard on clearly inferior submissive bitch-doormat types of girls.

So if she wants any sex, there is only one path for her.

Monday, September 25, 2023

On Astrological Misconceptions

People think that Libras are people pleasers, but that is not correct.

Sure, Libras are typically much nicer and more pleasant than other people, but that is because we like nice and pleasant things. In many ways we do embody these qualities ourselves.

However, that is not because we want to make people around us happy.

We do it because we want to be surrounded only nice and pleasant people and things.

Thus, as Libras we judge and filter out less nice people away from out lives and keep only the nicest ones around. In absence of nice people we can even become complete loners.

Out of all that people wrote here I want to comment on couple of things.

I like the kind of impartial honesty that Sagittarius can offer. I think it indeed can create a basis for a good truthful and trustful relationship.

I am not so keen on Aries version of this. I do not want to be told how to become better or, in general, what to do. That does not work so well as Sag version.

Finally, Caps are saying they are not boring. Now that is just the whole mentality of Cap. They do not care about being nice at all. They forcefully and willfully throw all the niceness and finesse away and then say that these things are not needed. That is precisely because they are like that that I hate them so much. In fact Caps should stick with people who love circus, then they will be appreciated.

About My Attitude Towards Society and Work

What else there is to do in austerity infested economy. It is not like 'goals in life' can actually bring you enough rewards to make it worthwhile to meet them.

For people who want me to work for them: If you can offer me enough to afford a yacht and other luxury I want, I can discuss business with you. If maximum you can offer can only barely pay bills and rent, then do not waste my time. My anime and porn is much more important than your dirt-poor business.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

On Expensive Food

My tastes tend to go on an expensive food side.

However, I will keep eating everything I like, no matter if it is a cheap or expensive food.

Coca-Cola, coffee, Gummy bears and other gummies, butter, cheddar, Monterey or Edam cheese, bread, yoghurt, ice cream, smoked ham... Are these poor or rich foods?

I prefer cheddar to swiss cheese. Though 'swiss' cheese is not a really expensive of fancy food. Proper Swiss cheese is called Emmenthaler and most 'swiss' cheese you can find in stores is not that, most likely it is Maasdam instead. Both of them have holes so it works for unsophisticated customer.

Caviar and praline cannot be poor food, right?

On Socrates's Paradigm

People did not agree with Socrates. In fact, they agreed to him even less than with Nietzsche.

Also, he said is that he does not know anything, but others do not know even that.
That shows his high level of self-awareness. He knew there is a lot of things he did know knew and could admit it openly.

He however lamented that others are not as self-aware of their own ignorance as he was.

Nietzsche also criticized many philosophers that came before him, I think it is religious people who criticized him most.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Summary on Utena Tenjou Story

Short conclusion from the Utena story:

Girls should not try to be like a guy. The path Utena took lead to bad outcomes and other girls should not imitate her.

Girls should be girly. 

Girls should not act the way they want guys to act around them. It will not work.

Guys too should not act the way they want girls to act around them.

That just send the wrong message and repels the opposite gender.

I do not Like Rap

Of all music genres rap is the worst. With exception of Eminem rap is just bad. 

Rap basically has no melody or any finesse whatsoever. Just some dude talking about something in a low voice and a primitive beat.

Rap, hip-hop and the like makes world a truly sad place. It is so unfortunate so many people seem to listen to it nowadays.

Pop is second worst, however there are some pop bands that I like.

I wish they listen to anime soundtracks, metal or classics instead.

People should check out music from my collection to know what a good music is like.

See Through Dress

Recently I saw a girl walking the streets in a semi-transparent tight little black dress. 

I could easily see through her dress how her black thong was splitting her butt-cheeks. The thong was also black and semi-transparent.

I liked it.

I wish more girls would dress like that.

I did not take a photo though.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Transfer of My Blog From MAL

It took several hours but I finally completed transfer of my blog posts from my MAL blog to this blog.

I hope I did not miss anything.

Abstract Thinking

I took some time to think why do I think differently from other people.

Why the way I see certain anime titles is different from other people here. Why no one seems to understand why I see certain show this particular way.

First reason is because I have very well developed abstract thinking. While other think mostly about concrete, physical things and objects, like say a house, car or a dog.

I on the other hand mostly think about immaterial abstract concepts such as ideas, attitudes, atmosphere, the overall feel of the show.

To me these things not just some empty words but something of unique value, like oxygen. Oxygen is invisible, yet it is essential for life and people will die without it.

So when analyzing shows and characters I pay much more attention to immaterial then to material. To me whether she has nice personality matter more than her appearance.

In fact anime industry developed concepts of tsundere, kuudere and dandere precisely to describe these immaterial qualities, that matter to men in woman.

There and other concepts do matter to me.

Literary Analysis

I got another idea why the way I see certain titles is different from anyone else.

That is because I learned how do literally analysis. That allowed me to have that unique way of thinking.

The fact that I am a programmer is possibly another...

Literary Analysis was originally created for books. However it can also be used for movies, games and anime.

Certain books have, subtext, hidden messages and other secrets, often expressed through metaphors and other literary tricks. Because of that literary analysis exist to help people uncover these ideas.

Some anime is like that as well. It has hidden meaning to it that only those who understand literary analysis could get.

Some examples of such anime are:

Ghost in the Shell


Serial Experiments Lain

Revolutionary Girl Utena

Infinite Ryvius

Mawaru Penguindrum

Tatami Galaxy

Higurash no Naku Koro ni

and the most complex of them all Umineko no Naku Koro ni.

Code Geass is a hybrid anime that you can still get a lot more out of with literary analysis and other forms of analytical thinking.

If you want to learn of this way of thinking then, I think, Planets is good for the beginners since its ideas are easier to understand compare to other shows.

May be you too can wake up from 'the matrix'.

More on Girls and Attitudes

I was thinking recently about what I like in girls and concluded that is it more of an attitude of a girl to me then anything else.

Also things are relative to something else, even if you are smaller than someone you are still bigger than someone else.

For example back in Russia I was not that high or athletic compare to most of my classmates. I had 6 male classmates who are taller and only 2 who are shorter. Some girls were higher than me as well. They all were better than me at physical activity. Similar situation was in Russian Uni, there was plenty of people who were higher and bigger than me. I had one fried who was shorter.

Probably because of that Russian girls did not respected me at all. I did not liked them either, I was profoundly asexual back then.

That whole Russian experience left me with kind of dislike for women, particularly their worst qualities like arrogance and snarkness, what anime describes as tsun (as in tsundere).

That changed when I emigrated. I did not noticed it at first because I was not paying attention to it, but in a new country I was rather taller bigger and even fitter than many people around me. Asian girls particularly liked me and talked a lot about how large my nose was. I kind of liked all that attention, how they all fawned around me. However I did not thought too much as to why they liked me.

Now I think it was because I was so tall and big compared to them. They probably thought that I am as good as Klitschko or Schwarzenegger for them.

That got me interested in Asian girls.

I did not think about it much back then but now I kind of think that western girls fall in between these two extremes.

In many ways my relative shortness by Russian standards and bulling associated with it influenced my personality in more ways than just that. A lot of it still weights down on me even though I have not been in Russia for more than 15 years now.

Now I am closer to Alpha Chad than to Chibinari, but a lot of self-understanding remains from these times.

How And Why Astrology Works

I believe in Astrology, but not just anything astrological. Since some of it just cheap fortune telling. However more serious astrology: natal charts, transits may be even progressions are surprisingly accurate. I think it should be considered scientific.

Astrology works not because of starts and planets, they are just used to measure time. It works the same way generations works.

Nowadays we say that boomers have these traits and Millennials others, and Gen Z yet others. Or say decades, such as 20s or 60s have one characteristic and say 90s another.

Ancient people of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Rome had similar problem to explain. The only thing they could use to explain changes between generations were movements of planets on the sky. They associated them with gods and thought that gods influence people in some way.

Gods may be do not influence people, but records they created of how people change as planets move from one sign to another are actually very valuable and should be used nowadays as well.

Movement of planets between signs of Zodiac were the only time periods (similar to decades or centuries nowadays), they could record such information against.

Astronomy was a science in the ancient times since. it was needed to keep calendar and such.

Back in the days, civil calendar and astrological were pretty much identical. Ancient Mesopotamian calendar's matches Zodiac very close. Month begin where Zodiac signs begin nowadays. New Year was around Gregorian 20 of March. When Sun enters Aries astrologically. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Half of the month were named the same as Zodiac signs.

Because of it all astrology is truly a gigantic source of untapped knowledge about human psychology.

Objectifying Females

I was thinking recently. Sure, I like good and kind girls like CC. But a lot of my waifu harem are very plain, boring even girls.

Yin from Darker than Black, M4A1, CZ (Delta) from Overlord, Mako Reizei, Hitori Bocchi, Shipfus and other objectified females. Yin is literary called doll in the show and refuses to go by original name Kirshi. 

That is because I like objectifying women, I like it when they are more of a object than a human being.

I enjoy porn for the same reason. It is easier with inanimate object than it is with a living human being, who has her own will and thoughts.

And I like porn that dehumanizes and degrades women, such as bondage, forniphilia or pet play.

The more she is reduced to some sort of object or at least an animal with no human rights, dignity or anything of sorts, the more I like it. But not just porn itself: I also like more the girl who is like that. 'just another bitch with no power and no god' how Black Lagoon would put it.

With a girl like this I can just go and fuck her senseless, without thinking about some stupid shit like whether she is enjoying it or whatever. It is all about me.  

That is why feminism that says that women are equal and need to be respected and what not makes me unwilling to deal with IRL women. You just do not want to bother with all these empowered women and their stupid rights, wants and whims. I certainly will not bother.

I want a dehumanized fuckdoll to fuck senseless, not some spoiled princess.

Anonymity Brings Freedom

I remembered that topic about how your online persona is truthful to your real self.

Someone claimed that people online persona could be different from their real self. As if people have fake online persona and IRL they are true to themselves.

I would say it is the opposite.

People online are more truthful to themselves than IRL, at least I am.

IRL consequences of your actions are more severe. For example you can't just easily tell your boss that he is an asshole if you don't want to lose your job. You can't tell your parents that you hate them, they might get rid of you for that or treat you poorly. Tell strong bullies that they are assholes and they will beat you up. In short you cannot tell truth to power.

There could be consequences that are impossible to dodge, consequences that will hurt you. So to avoid suffering these consequences you have to hide your true feelings and thoughts.

However online where you are anonyms, you have nothing to lose. The worst that could happen is ban online. There will be no IRL consequences that can actually hurt you.

So online is the place where you can be honest, true to yourself and enjoy it. No need to wear a mask to avoid pissing people off. Avoid voicing controversial opinions or behaving in a way that will not cause you trouble.

Online you are free.

Anonymity brings freedom.

Short List of Anime Characters I can Relate to

Lelouch (Code Geass), Gilgamesh (Fate/Zero) and Nagato (Naruto) are my top tier self-insert chars. I will admit I do flatter myself with these picks.

Other people I can somewhat relate are: Kazuya (Hand Maid May), Duke Fleed (UFO Robo Grendizer), Entire Lagoon Crew (Black Lagoon), Takaki (5 Centimeters per Second), Kaiji (Gyakkyo Burai Kaiji (1st season only)) Sasuke, Itachi (pre Tobi Explanation), Shikamaru and Garra (Naruto), Sabo during the flashback ark only, Darcul Mihawk, Aiba (Mugen no Ryvius), Tsukasa (.hack//Sing), King Isley (Claymore).

How One Does Feel Sex

I got thinking recently.

As a guy I feel it this way. I have a dick and sometimes I feel like sticking it into some hole and moving it back and forth to satisfy my sexual urges.

I guess girl's pussy, asshole or mouth is kind of desirable.

However, I can use my hand to achieve more or less same result.

Other than with a dick I do not feel sexuality in any way at all.

Because of that porn is easier for me to deal with. I can just open some porn whenever I feel like it and then use it and my hand to satisfy myself. No need to bother with complicated human being and their problems.

Say girl does not a have dick. Therefore, she cannot feel like sticking it into anything, so her sexuality should work differently.

How does it work is hard question for a guy. I cannot feel what she feels, how she feels. Some guys even think girls do not want sex at all since they have nothing to feel it with.

If a guy would not have a dick or balls, he would not want sex in any way at all. He would not be able to feel anything.

Guys do not feel anything like sexual desire with any other parts of their bodies. They cannot understand what girl feels.

However, if girls really do not feel anything at all then humanity would have probably died out long ago. So maybe they feel something in a different way.

Maybe she feels with her pussy, with her body may be? Whatever that is, only girl can actually explain that to me and other guys.

I personally do not want anything phallic being stuck in me at all. It would be unpleasant to me. My sexuality does not work this way.

However, may be girl's sexuality does find it likable. That is something I can only know if she tells me. However, I will not be able to feel it, ever.

On Types of Men

Girls seems to think that if guy can he will fuck non-stop. In reality it is probably guys that are picky.

Some guys like me are picky and others have completely zero standards. May be depends on psychology or life objectives.

I am not sure since it is not my type, but I think if a guy wants to have family and kids he would be very not-picky about girl. So long as she can give birth to children he will do anything for her. Kind of for his children. I think that is what they call beta but I am not sure.

On the other hand if he does not want children but still interested in women then there has to be something else to interest him. Thus it is on woman to interest him in herself.

1. For some perhaps good looks.

2. For others nice, caring personality.

3. Some others want good obedient domestic servant.

I personally want second and third. Looks somewhat secondary.

On Romantic Relationships

RitoDeviluke said:

To me relationships as depicted in some romcom or shoujo stuff are not meaningful.

meaningful = more than sueface level attraction. more than just oh i met girl shes hot . relationship development exists just like character development and maybe men who for some reason cant watch anything but surface level sexual attraction with no payoff shpuld try to appreciate a meaningful development of a relationship with a payoff. rather than hundreds of scenes of fan service woth no substance behind it ...nosebleeds, passing out, screaming when the mc even sees panties . all these annoying " male focused animw" tropes make it seem like we cant understand romantic build up that is actually meaningful. i think the idea that men will pnly accept the current status of romance in male anime is not true. true it would be different than for women but it would cobsist of a man protecting and caring for his woman... from danger and the ugliness of the world. maybe even men marrying women in anime, having families and raising them together. these could fit in most anime, even naruto did it and it was a beautiful relationship buildup between naruto and hinata[/quote]

Here you said it 'protecting and caring for his woman...'

If you do mean literal meaning of these words, then that is just as much of a female wish fulfilment as harem anime is male one.

That is awfully one sided: only what she needs from him.

Shoujo/josei shows are all just about this one-sided love that caters to woman needs in a relationship.

In real world things are different.

What it is, that she can offer him in return for this care and protection?

Why would a guy just protect a girl simply because she is a woman?

I by one would not care for such a selfish girl who sees relationship in shoujo anime one sided way.

I do not simp or play a white knight to a girl who thinks she is a princess or something. There are guys like that somewhere out there but they are not me.

I am King, King only needs servants. Subjects who obey and follow his command.

Harem anime on the other hand caters to male needs from a relationship. It is not about nosebleeds or even male MC at all. It is about a selection of women that are available 24/7 for male sexual gratification. This selection of available and willing women is why guys like it and watch it. There is no further development because it would get into 18+ territory.

There are hentai anime where sex actually happens in such harems. Where MC sleeps with all of the girls.

Bondage Game is probably too radical for you, but say Yume Kui - Tsurumiku Shiki Game Seisaku or Himekishi Lilia.

How is that for development. These are my kind of developments.

As you can see male and female version of an ideal relationship is rather different.

Of sfw harems I can recommend DearS (semi-harem kind of) and Hand Maid May.

Of non-harem I can also list.

There is also Darker than Black Gaiden (4 episodes long). I personally like Yin and I like the kind of relationship she has with Hei in Gaiden. I would want to gag and tie her up and go full nsfw on her.

Akari from 5 Centmeters per Second is also a good example of likable girl. Circumstances tear them apart, but I can wish to be with someone like Akari. 

On CC and Romantic Relationship

I have to paraphrase Sir Stephen from Story of O here.

You confuse love/affection with sex/lust.

They do often come together; they are not contradictory to one another. They are two distinct components that together form romantic sexual love relationship.

Affection often comes with sex. However, there can be affection without sex and sex without affection as well.

In fact, affection supposed to lead to sex, that is why people show affection the the opposite gender after all.

For example, woman in Japan give man they love chocolate to show him her affection.

~Love is an emotion that make you show affection to the opposite gender.~

Affection not always leads to sex. Sometimes it remains unrequited. However its intention is sex most of the time.

CC's Geass made people love her. Show her affection with intention to eventually have sex with her. Well for some it was only affection without any sexual intentions.

From there story does not specify whether she rejected all her suitors, slept with them all or slept with some.

Well eventually she started to think that Geass induced affection is not true love. They only show her that affection because of the effect of that power. This is superficial pseudo-love.

They do not really understand her or care for her. They remain strangers and perhaps it is this power prevents them from getting any closer.

Not because there is no sex and anything like that, there could have been plenty of sex.

Because there is lack intellectual connection. Lack of understanding between her and them.

Lack of that understanding left her unfulfilled. So she lived on, seeking something like that.

Eventually she gave up even on that and simply wished to die.

She eventually found true love in Lelouch. The only one who could understand and love her.

That is the ultimate romantic love with intellectual connection and sex. Full package kind of.

I wrote all that, but from my experience a lot of IRL people are not able to understand this kind of complicated emotions, feelings and thoughts that connect CC and Lelouch.

Many other people are more base and purely physical.

Others are superficial and only care about outward appearance of that relationship.

I cannot relate to that kind of base or superficial people. This is not the kind relationship I want.

I want intellectual connection and understanding like Lelouch and CC, or at least a girl who can show me a lot of affection and serve me obediently.

Lelouch Testing CC and Me Testing Potential GFs

In the epilogue after Zero Requiem CC talks to Lelouch in the very last scene of the show. We do not see him, but still. It is the closest thing to canon ending.

Also, that conversation during the final battle in ep 24 in second season. That is where they really got close enough to think of love and romance.

Stuff before was them getting to know each other better. Because otherwise they will not be able to decide if the other one is suitable for them.

You can also see it as him testing her if she really is a good fit for him.

May love at first sight works for some, but not for me.

From a first sight I can only tell is she is not good for me at all. Many are obviously not good so there is no need to even probe further.

Some might warrant further investigation. So I guess I can ask them couple of questions to see how they respond and react. If their responses are not to my liking then I will not continue with them.

Not many can pass to third stage of intensified dialogue. That could be and enjoyable conversation, but it also is a further test before I can reasonably consider them for anything romantic.

CC worked long and hard for Lelouch to acknowledge her, she made no mistakes that would disqualify her. She is the only one who can walk a thorny path to his heart.

Also, Gino and Kallen seemed canon ending for these two characters.

On Personality and Compatability

What do you mean by 'personality' then? Do you mean it as a collection of all traits that make you a unique individual similar to your soul or your ghost (as defined by Ghost in the Shell), or do you mean something more narrow.

What you like or not is a reflection of your personality. You like things because it appeals to some parts of person.

If anime A gives you good good feelings and emotions and you like it for that reasons. That is a perfection of your personality.

If it simultaneously gives bad feelings and annoys someone else that too is a refection of their personality.

You like and hate things for reasons, because there is something about you, your personality that either pleased by it or instead repulsed by it.

You use these feelings to decided what it is you want and need from the world around you.

Yes people do not need to have identical or similar personalities to get along. However they have to have somehow compatible personalities for them to get along.

I heard that some people describe is as 'it clicks right' or something like that.

Some types of people get along well with each other and others do not.

This is a simplification but:

If personalities clash then it is like fitting a cube through round shaped hole, you want to avoid these kind of situations.

It will end up as a trouble if say she wants children but you do not. She likes sport and physical activity and you do not.

Same with anime, if she likes anime you hate it is probably because her life interests and priorities are different from yours.

There could be exceptions for any one particular title but overall it is valid logic and system.

I think the most comprehensive compatibility system I encountered was in astrology.

No matter what sign you have, you will have two trines to two other signs, who are broadly similar to you. They have few differences with how they handle things, but overall you see world the same way. (they will always be of the same element as your sign)

Two sextiles to two signs that are not much like you, but with whom you have good chance of getting along. Their qualities have good chance to add to your overall abilities and experience. (they will be of different element from yours, but of the same to each other)

Two squares to signs with whom your values clash and you will annoy each other to no end. You and them believe in contradictory basic principles in life and that will always be a problem.

Then there will be one opposition to the sign directly opposed to your own. Every opposition is the opposite extreme of the same basic nature, as if one compensate for shortcomings of other. However there is still one common core. (It has 50/50 chance of working. Sign in opposition is always the same element as those who are sextile to you.)

Then people of the same sign are of course most similar to you. How that works with your particular type is of course depends, say Scorps often do not like other Scorps. For other sings it will depend on their particular traits.

The remaining 4 signs are neither good nor bad. They do not clash much but neither you really have much in common.

Of all planets in your Natal Chart, Sun is most important, followed but the moon, then Mercury, then others in the order of distance from sun astronomically.

Final dispositor is of heighted importance.

Planets in Sings describe inner working of a person, their true self behind the other shell or mask. The ghost.

Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, Nadir as well as houses describe outer outward appearance of a person. The shell.

You can build aspects from each of your planets to see where angles will fall. to cut corners you can simply use.

Theories on what happened to TrueHellDei

In the end of the day I just do not know what happened to TrueHellDei. I can come up with dozen or so different theories, but I cannot verify any of them. So it is like crazy cat lady's Schrodinger Cat Box.

This place sometimes reminds me of her and depend on what theory makes most sense to me at any given moment I post something about her. So I guess I have to put all the theories here in one place.

Some theories make me like her even more, others pity her, yet others make me hate her instead.

I guess I will start with bad ones.

She get bored and ghosted me - Fuck you too then.

She found someone else and loves them - Fuck you again. I am jealous type

She was actually a man pretending to be a girl - weird and gross.

She had an AI or some other person to write 'her' responses to me - If it was not you who wrote every single word then I do not care for you at all. If the text is not an expression of who you are, but rather a fake, then it is not actually you that I like so much but these texts themselves.

Somewhat mixed.

She was married already at the time we started and was just killing time with me - That one will depend on how seriously you took me I guess.

She married someone out of convenience afterwards, but still loves me - understandable actually, life sometimes makes you do things you would otherwise not. Hang on True, I will save you from this marriage when/if I have enough power to.

She works as prostitute and too ashamed to admit it to me, or continue our relationship - I am not 100% sure about it, but I think it does not matter. Irrespectively of what you do for a living, you have what it takes to make me happy. I wonder if you profession actually make you better at it.

She is much older than her profile info - don't know really. I want to know how older, before making anything out of it. For many age gaps, age is just a number.

Lies and trickery:

She decided that someone else was better than me and gave her the way - Do not decide for me. I want you, not someone else.

She was coerced by someone to get out of the way - These people are probably liars and do not wish anything good for me no matter what they told you.

Someone blocked her from interacting with me and she cannot help it - Bastards just will not let my happiness be, and her happiness as well. I would stop them if I could.

Somewhat sad pitiful ones:

She had some uncurable disease and long died from it. - My poor pitiful True.

Human traffickers kidnapped her since then and made her a prostitute. - Poor True and the same as the just prostitute.

Human traffickers kidnapped her, killed her and sold her organs on the black market - Evil bastards, I wish I could avenge True.

May be there are more possible theories, but I will leave it at this for now.

Various Psychological Tests

INTJ-A from this website:

sakinorva gives me that instead

ESFJ 30.75

ENFJ 35.2

ESTP 41.6

ESFP 42.35

ISFJ 43.25

ESTJ 50.5

ISTJ 53.5

ENTJ 54.95

ISFP 57.65


ENTP 61.75

ENFP 62.5

INFP 65.5

ISTP 66.4

INTJ 70.25

INTP 74.25

I No doubt about it

N No doubt about it

T Just about certain.

J Bound to be inconsistent.

J and P was 58% to J in 16 personalities.

I would trust 16 personalities more.

Enneagram is


Type 5 - 10

Type 6 - 8.4

Type 4 - 6.4

Wing 5w6 - 14.2

Wing 6w5 - 13.4

Wing 5w4 - 13.2

Wing 4w5 - 11.4

Wing 6w7 - 9.1

Wing 4w3 - 7.3

Type 5 is very relatable actually. Not sure if wing 6 makes a lot of sense though, well I am too skeptical to seek protection in believes or in loyalty. Well, I have some of 4 and 6 I guess.

I took 16 personalities again and it gave me INTP-A instead











Judging - Prospecting line was always kind of middle of the road for me.

The other lines on the other hand are strongly unidirectional.

Still INTJ seemed cooler than INTP, like INTP 2.0 I guess I am INTX

Regardless both INTJ and INTP are two most relatable to me.

Extra About TrueHellDei

Various random though on TrueHellDei from a year ago or so:

However if TrueHellDei enjoys abusing theOrator or someone like him more than serving as my maid, then I do not care for her anymore.

I will find myself a better more obedient submissive maid.

Or so I wish: unfortunately TrueHellDei is hard to replace, as much as I wish for such a replacement to exist. No one is quite as smart and relatable. Intellectual solitude is unsolvable.

Simply obedient girl should be possible to find, but even this is somehow hard.

Was the whole TrueHellDei saga but a hollow shell of that terrible illusion: hope?

Back in the days I too used words to humiliate these other guys who were after TrueHellDei. She was mine and I will not give her away to them or anyone else for that matter. I could say that is what I thought back then, however I did not thought it. I fought instinctively with what was available to me then to kick them away and make her mine.

Nowadays I can retrospect and analyze it all, ponder if I made a some enemies with all that? Perhaps attracted some other females who now want to take her place. In fact nowadays I even question if she was any good at all? Was she worth these efforts. After all she too is very apt at lying.

However, I could not think of any of that back in the days, I wanted her and that was all I cared then.

May be TrueHellDei lied to me, but with sincerity.

However, she was impressed with me for real, no matter how hard she denied it, I am just that good.

Weakness Makes Girls Attractive

I like girls who are weak, vulnerable and have nothing going for them. Guys are not stupid to be threatened by some horrible crazy girl. It is the natural thing to be attracted to a weak girl. No amount of forum whining will change that.

It is girls (female incel), who should really reconsider their spoiled entitled behavior. Prince on a white stallion will not come for them. Watch Utena and realize that even a price is attracted to a sad 'princess'. Protagonists of josei fiction are not real. Only me, Emperor of the Universe is real.

So, if they want any sex, they should learn to weak and vulnerable. A smart woman once said that 'Woman's strength is in her weakness'.

If anything, it should be obvious to people who watch anime.

Only desperate guys who want any female go for a picky spoiled 'princess' type.

How we can Divide Generations Better

Also, on generations. Boomers are often considered born (1946 -1964), Gen X (1965 - 1980), Millennials (1980 - 1996), Zoomers (1997 - 2008)

However, I think that Gen X should really be split in 1972 and their wings extended into neighbouring generations. People born before are rather different from those born after. If you look at astrology. There would be a good cause for that.

Boomers are broadly the generation of Pluto in Leo and Neptune in Libra. They follow hypes like Beatles (Beatolomania) (Leo influence) as well as pursue social justice (Libra Influence) There influences are kind of from 1940 to 1957 (the core boomers) Under traditional definition Beatles members themselves are Silent Generations but with this they will also be boomers, just like their followers (all 4 have Pluto in Leo, but Neptune in Virgo unlike those who came later)

Then Early Gen X (Generation Jones, Generation W) 1958 to 1971 They have Pluto in Virgo and Neptune in Scorpio. They are workaholics Yappie (Virgo) who are critical of other generations. Also, not too outspoken about themselves (Scorpio), they merge their generation with that of later Gen X and generally their generation has little information about them. They are also the types to not hire people outside their own generation, because they consider them useless. I think it could be them who pit Millennials against Boomers they might hate both.

Then Late Gen X (True Xers and Xennials) 1972 to 1984 They have Pluto in Libra and Neptune in Sagittarius. They are more of work-life balance people, who had to survive mess of boomers and Gen Jones. They are probably flexible and kind of survivalist. And probably futuristic too, or more like people who can understand both worlds in a way. Many good politicians come from this generation: Volodymir Zelenski, Maya Sandu, Alexey Navalnyi, Ivan Bartos, Zdenek Hryb. People who actually care about young people.

Then finally us, Millennials. (Also known as Gen Y (as in why us, why did you fucked it all up and expect us to fix it)) (1984 - 1996) May be start using Gen Y name to disassociate it from Millennial stereotypes. Pluto in Scorpio, Neptune in Capricorn. Pluto rules Scorpio so it is definitely strong in us. We are dark, secretive, private, emotional. The Emo generation. The online generation. Matrix generation. We grew up during the wild 90s and other such problematic times. We do not trust and anyone and keep everyone at arm's length and are profoundly lonely. However, we used to solitude and somewhat even strive in it. We communicate privately just like you and me now. We indulge in taboo things such as BDSM.

Time when we were born was the time when old world order came to an end. USSR and Eastern bloc collapsed, Berlin Wall fell, Spring of the Nations happen, and we all moved into future. I think we as generation are kind of undertakers that would finally bury all remnants of old-world order and clear the space for new world.

Not sure about Neptune in Capricorn influence here. Maybe it comes to our reputation as kind of experiences people or lazy people.

Also, while Neptune spends 14 years in the same sign, Pluto varies (between 11 and 32 years, but in recent signs it was rather close to 14). Pluto and Neptune often switched signs simultaneously or within just a couple of years gap. That allowed us to measure generations with these planets.

Uranus on the other hand spends 7 years in the same sign. That will allow us to divide each generation into two halves. Based on Uranus placement.

Excerpt form Discussion About Automation

EyeAmTheI said:

EmperorThor said:

The difference is that people who make pizza are needed in every store, and people who maintain systems only in one central location.

Yes programmers should be treated better and paid better. However all employees nowadays are treated badly because of that skewered economy. Some radical change is needed for working conditions to improve. Universal Basic Income is one of them.

That will make companies treasure every single employee they have. And they will use tech whenever possible to avoid hiring too many.

I see your point, and I mostly argee with it.

Let me give you an insight though. As a programmer, I know that this field has a serious workforce shortage. In reality the company I'm working at would double the number of the coders, if they would find people who has the specialized skillset which the company needs... The company actually paying for universities to orginize specialized trainings, yet the dropout rate is so hight that barely a few people they can hire each year... (Not to mention there are positions which are open for years, because noone knows how to do it) So that's what I meant when I said "higher skill". There is not enough talented people in the world, hence there is a lack of workforce who could support the additional high tech infrastructure...

Fun fact: The avg. IQ at the company is around 130, and it is pretty much neccessary, and you are not gonna find those people in every bush (actually like half of my colleges are mensa memebers, and the other half probably just won't bother about it) So when you raise the tech level, you narrow the available workforce as well, and it is not like we'll be able to replace IT professionals with tech tomorrow. 

My point is there is a lot of different bottleneck, which hinders the automations effort.


I got rejected for IT work just half a year ago.

If your company needs IT people and pay good salaries, they should just hire me.

People used to call me genius in uni. Well these people themselves were not that IT proficient, but managed to get High Distinction by coping my code. I myself got HDs as well.

Do they have remote work options?

to StarfireDragon:

So what cannot be automated and simultaneously be paid well enough to make it economical?


We can do simpler than that, realize most "businesses" are worthless and maintained by exploitation, and make our own pizzas (or buy one of those frozen ones from a production line).

If slave labor is necessary to maintain a line of work (like cotton picking), should we not celebrate its downfall? In fact, who would even willingly eat Domino's pizza?

Of course, that would be even easier. However, we can automate more than just grocery stores.

Lets' go with maximally automated rather than minimally automated world.

to Meunser:

I am not sure where you stand on the main issue. You write so ambiguously.

People would be jealous of those who have more than them. These 'cogwheels' as you called them would not be content with just being second class people: like 11 from Code Geass or Untermensch (the opposite of Ubermensch) from Nazi ideology. Sure as hell they will want to topple the system rather then serve the privileged. That happened in French Revolution, in Russian Revolution and will happen again.

Those who have no stake in the system have nothing to lose if it falls. When system cannot reward people sufficiently, they will turn against it. It is only a natural thing to do.

What I Want from Life

I recently got somewhat of a revelation on how to put into words what I want in life.

I want a status together with power and privileges that come with it.

If world is organised in a hierarchy where those above are having it better than those below, then the only thing that matters is being one of those above. Everything else is just a means to an end to get there.

Status can also give me power to make others do what I want.

My favourite anime character Lelouch vi Britannia is like that. His geass is like materialisation of this wish. He himself said that geass is like a wish.

It was mentioned many times that nature or type of power of each geass reflects that person's. most cherished desire. Power to order anyone anything and have it all my way is surely something I truly wish for.

Gilgamesh also the strongest of all heroic spirits, he kind of has what Lelouch aspires to have.

I can only relate to characters who think this way.

System Behind What I like In Girls


Actually, I think I can divide girls I like into 3 types that I like.

All girls in my harem are one of these and some a condonation of two or more types:

1. sweet, kind, caring, gentle, supportive, cinnamon roll type of girl. (deredere) May, Konomi, Haruna, Hagikaze, lots of unnamed girls

2. blushing, insecure, timid, doll like, doormat girl (dandere) Yin, Mio or Ren is the best example.

3. capable, useful, smart, reserved, cold, focused, alert, able to kill my enemies - useful assistant type (kudere) Konan, Homura or Roberta for example. All badass girls in my harem do meet these criteria.

Some are combination of these groups.

2 and 3 for Ikaros, CZ Delta, Henrietta, Rico or Ran Mao

1 and 3 for M4A1, Mami

1 and 2 for Syaro, Hinata

Some like CC are combination of all three, in CC case she has other abilities not listed here, read my blog about her, she has that many things goign for her. Surely in the surface it looks like she is mostly 3, but there is some of 2 and 1 in her as well.

Astrology and Attraction Shorthand

For women in men's eyes that would be Libras and Pisces. They are different kind of cute, but both are cute. Virgo, Gemini, Cancer, Sag, Aqua and Leo do appeal to some.

For women in women's eyes most likely Aries, Taurus and Scorp. May be also Cap. Manly kind of women who can command respect of fellow women. However they probably will have hard time attracting men though. Though more desperate types will go for them.

For men in women's eyes Probably Scorp, Aries and Leo. Sometimes Sag, Aqua, Gemini, Taurus and Cap. Libra can charm some cute girl, who respond well to verboseness and intellectuality, but we, Libras, are picky.

For men in men's eyes it is situational and more complicated as different people meet different roles.

However you should also consider general rules of compatibility. 

How Anime, Hollywood and IRL preferences in women work

Girls are not as cute, because they are 'real women' and not moeblobs. Similar to the US Hollywood 'real women'.

Those who want these 'real women' already have Hollywood and will not watch donghwa with subtitles. They will not watch anime with subs as well or any other animation for that matter as 'that is for kids'

To those, who want women exact the opposite of Hollywood's 'real women', anime industry of Japan caters with their moeblobs.

That is how the entertainment industry works. That is how world works.

It is the same IRL

IRL those who like these Hollywood 'real women' date western women.

Those who like women exact the opposite want to date asian, thought wise ones would limit the selection to just Japanese and Thai.

Picture is related. Hollywood would not want to put girls like that in their movies. However, I like my girls to be timid, demure and maid like.

Some Anime Couples that I Like Together

Lelouch and CC

Takaki and Akari - Byosoku 5cm

Takeya and Rin - DearS

Saotome and May - Hand Maid May

Hei and Yin - Darker than Black

Guise and Henrietta - Gunslinger Girl

Nagato and Konan - Naruto Shippuden

Tsukasa and Subaru - .hack//Sign

Yukinari and Miharu (may be) - Girls Bravo

Though I would rather pair her with someone more like me

Some non-canon couples from the same show:

Gilgamesh and Sakura Matou - Fate

Sasuke and Hinata - Naruto

Kouji Aiba and Neeya - Infinite Ryvius

Takasugi and Blu-reiko - Gintama

Okita Sougo and Urara - Gintama

If we remove same show limit I can just pair everyone with Lelouch, Gilgamesh or any other character relatable to me.

Anyhow this couple thinking is just too limiting.

Why do you need actual couple on screen?

The way I see it is that you see a cute girl and imagine her to be in a relationship with yourself.

That is how I built my waifu harem.

Its not like they need relationship experience with someone else first. In fact it is even better if they do not have any.

On the other hand, you can see how she goes in her daily life and can imagine what she can be like in a relationship. 

How Astrological Compatibility Work

It works not like same moon sings together.

Rather that you need a partner with their sun or at least venus/mars or some other planet falling on your moon.

In my case since my moon in Cancer squares my sun in Libra it is more complicated than simply a girl with Cancer sun.

Either her sun should be in a sign that forms good aspects to cancer without squaring my sun in Libra, or perhaps be on the same degrees of Cancer 11'22 like my moon, rather than 20 as my Sun in Libra is 20'04 degrees.

That would mean her birthday should be somewhere around 3 of July and definitely not 13 of July

In fact anything between 23 of June and 3 of July should work as it will form good aspects to my Scorp stellium.

on the other hand something like late Gemini can also work either something like 14 of June to have their sun on 20 degrees Gem to make clear trine to my Sun in Libra

Or some thing like 19 to have it sectile my Jupier in Aries at 25 degrees.

It should however avoid middle ground as that will make it an opposition to my Uranus in Saggitarius at 23'28 degrees.

How Ascendant on the Cusp Works

Asc is more of a compromise between different inner planets so satisfy their many needs.

By itself it is just a number of useful traits that can used many ways, but will be used in accordance with wishes of Sun, Moon and the rest of the chart mostly.

In my case Asc falls on the cusp of Leo and Virgo and has some traits of both.

Leo side is supported by late dgrees Jupiter in Aries, double trined to Uranus and Saturn in Sagittarius. This in turn is sextile to Sun in Libra which also opposes abovementioned Jupiter in Aries.

There is also North Node in Aries and South Node and Mars in Libra to further amplify importance of this block.

Sun in Libra demands a better more perfect world. Sagittarius crew works out the details and then it all gets implemented by Jupiter in Aries

Leo side of Asc also helps at times.

This is forward pushing, ideologically driven but well balanced group that craves victories and glories to advance my unconventional causes.

On the other hand Virgo side is backed by early-middle (first half) degrees Moon in Cancer that is triple trined to Venus, Pluto and Mercury in Scorpio. All of them also make aspects to Neptune in Capricorn.

Moon in Cancer is all about self protection and preservation. The datails are worked out by Scorpio's crew who opt for extreme privacy and secrecy. Occasionally they consult with Neptune in Capricorn and get confused with its delusions.

All of that works through Virgo part of Asc.

The two wings do not really get along with each other well as Sun in Libra squares Moon in Cancer. Also Neptune in Capricorn squares Mars in Libra.

Poor Mars really get all the worst shit here at it is in detriment and poorly aspected.

Wings do vie for overall control. When security is in danger moon side of things has greater say, otherwise it is Sun side that mostly in command.

In general, the girl should be very dominatable, that is easy to dominate.

 In general, the girl should be very dominatable, that is easy to dominate.

I need a Suitable Accommodation to play with and then fuck a girl, I will not do it on the street.

I cannot readily dominate her in a BDSM way otherwise.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Female Eyes and Blindfold

If her eyes are cute, then I would like to look in them.

However few girls actually have cute eyes. So I guess blindfold and paper bag over head can help.
In fact, she will look pitifully cute with a paper bag over her head.

I hate it when people smoke


I hate it when people smoke. Some of this smoke is so toxic, I want to cough and cover my nose even if I am several meters away from a person who smokes.

That is how horrible it is.

I personally do not understand why people would inhale it voluntarily and even pay for the cigarettes.

I like girls with Nice Gentle Voice

I think girl's voice has to be nice, soft and gentle.

It has to be pleasant to hear.

She has to be very soft spoken. As if she is trying to sing a lullaby.

I do not like it when girls voice is too rough or forceful. Girls are not meant to command so they should not sound this way.

I also do not like it when girls yell, scream, shout or such. I like my girls to be very quiet. In general, I do not like loud things in life.

Picture is just random; I do not know what her voice is like. However, she does looks like her voice is gentle enough.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Gender Relationship Dynamic Based on MBTI

Writing on MBTI get me thinking on difference in dating and relationship dynamics between different MBTI groups.

They are different for different MBTI types.

Most are familiar with Sentienls dating pattern. I think Sentinel men do assume that women are do not like them that much. So, they are willing to get out of their way to win approval of any given female.

Women might not find Sentinel men attractive but will their persistence and willingness to put up with her whims can eventually win her over.

Women accustomed to these dynamics might wish for a different kind of men. They might be attracted to coolness of Explorers or arrogance and wit of Analysts.

However, Analysts have different dating patterns. With Analysts it is woman who has to impress and interest men enough to win his approval and get on with dating.

She has to be well mannered, intellectual, polite and have a lor of admiration and respect the man she wants to impress.

To see in greater detail how a woman can interest an Analyst man, read my conversation with TrueHellDei. It is a very long tl;dr with lots of text of high intellectual quality. 

However, if you want to date me, you should be able to write no less eloquent, polite and intelligent.

That is an entry level requirement for relationship.

You can post in comments to this or any other or my post if your are interested to give it a try.

Bell Curve of Feminism


While feminists like to call their opponents medieval, or what not. They themselves are but bulging middle curve of the intelligence.

A truly smart people do understand that feminism is stupid and wrong.

I and TrueHellDei reached full sage level of wisdom and fully understand that feminism is stupid.

I made some Bell Curve graphs to help you understand.

Thus, I can get along either will people of sage level of intelligence such as myself and TrueHellDei, of with completely stupid primitive girls, who clearly fail to learn any feminism.

For girls who already learned feminism, they will have to either revert back to stupidity, or evolve to sage level wisdom.

MBTI Explorers xSxP


The final group is the Explorers.

Internet tends to give them a lot of bad reputation, calling them stupid and what not.

However, I personally think that they grossly misunderstand this type.

Explorers are not stupid at all. Surely, they are not as smart as Analysts, however they have different type of intelligence: they are people savvy types.

Unlike more close-minded Sentinels whose Judgmental disposition prevents them from taking advantage of their Sensor abilities, Explorers do not have this shortcoming.

Being both Sensor and Prospecting, Explorers can actually truly understand people around them. Because of that they can possibly see and appreciate wisdom or the Analysts. In addition to that they are able to understand Sentinels as well and sell them the ideas, Analysts came up with.

Because of the above entrepreneurial kind of Explorers will be able to get far in life.

Basic Nature

Being the only group, whose members are all Prospecting type. Explorers prospect, that is search around for things and people that can interest them.

Their end goals could be different, but they all are searching for something. In that they differ from unmoving like earth Sentinels.

Sensor and Prospecting combination allow them to be flexible and adopt to whatever people they wish to get along with.

If other types are each live in their own bubble, the explorers are the type that connects them together.


Explorers' motivation can be diverse: from boredom to ambition and greed.

They each have not only something different that they seek, but also different reasons for doing so.

However, they do seek something (or someone) out. Because of that they are able to get and connect with other people.

Relation to Other Groups

However overall, they are polar opposite to Sentinels. Just like Feeling Diplomats are somewhat or a polar opposite to Thinking Analysts.

If Sentinels stick to their ground, community and views, then Explorers reach out into the world and try to find something they can like in that big world out there.

In that regard this group is likely the most divergent inside. Different subtypes here are more different from each other than in the other groups.

If Analysts are like a consul, parliament or scientific symposium where people debate facts, Diplomats are like a cult leader and their followers who relentlessly push for their agenda, Sentinels are like beehive who normally produce honey, but might turn hostile on those who want to take some, then Explorers are all induvial actors and players.

Explorers do their thing on their own thing. They are possibly the most self-reliant of all groups. At the very least they are the most capable of solving any of their or their associates' problems on their own. A very useful ability.

Despite being self-reliant, they are not an exclusive club like Analysts. Far from it, they are people that can truly unite and connect people together.

Subdivisions of Explorers xSxP

Just like Sentinels, Explorers have both Feeling and Thinking amount their ranks.

Here I think that Feeling sub-types are looking for more human relationship and sex. They are the kind of people who sleep around. Women of xSFP sub-type get a lot of hatred from people around them while men of this type become legends among females. That makes some women complain about inequality. I also think that Chad is ESFP rather than ESTP

In contrast Thinking sub-type is more driven more by ambition and desire to succeed in life. They are still able to get people and willing to connect with them, but they would have more interest in business partnership. They will be on a look out for smart people with whom they can make a lot of money and then buy a private island and build a mansion on it to host harems for girls on. If business can get me another island with mansion and a harem of my own, I am in.

I am personally a lot more interested in Thinking subtype: xSTP. I think they will be able to understand my genius.

Once again Extroverted here are more able to just reach out to people, may be to a lesser extent than Sentinels, but still so.

Intorverted too works similar to how it works for Sentinels. They are probably too shy to simply reach out to people and hope that people will notice them with their skills and abilities. However, I do think that Introverted Explorers do want to be noticed.


I will start with Feeling types and then continue to the Thinking ones.

Entertainer ESFP

This is probably the most talked of type of Explorer. They are the most noticeable and the most famous/infamous. Guys of this type are Chads of the MBTI and girls are not as lucky.

They are the most unhinged and sure of themselves of the entire MBTI, to the point of being completely blind to everything around them. Sex and relationship wise it works well for guys, but poorly for girls. 

Guys of this type are truly lucky. Girls just love this kind of flashy confidence and fly to them like moth to light. Much to jealous charging of other males. That popularity with females can get them in trouble with other males however, so they might suffer from bad will from guys.

Girls on the other hand are in much worse situation. Guys do not like that kind of women. So, while they can sometimes get some types of guys (mostly desperate woman pleasing simps), a lot more guys will just dismiss and shun them as sluts. In fact, the better the guy is, the more likely he will dismiss such a girl. Thus, leaving them with choice of desperate simps. 

Many of these girls are jealous of popularity of male counterparts of their type. However, men and women are not equal and never be. So, if these girls want better men, they should start working on qualities that better men like in women and not whine that a female analogue of Chad does not appear to men as male does appeal to women.

Alternatively, they can just become full time lesbians, as female analogue of Chad will attract a lot more women than men.

Artist ISFP

An Introverted version of Entertainer on the other hand can be much calmer and lever headed. 

They still want attention but are too shy to just solicit for it directly. Thus, they instead rely on something else to create such attention. Art for example.

However, it does not have to be art. I think this type generally likes to anything visual that attracts attention. For example, cosplaying. Various subculture looks, such as Goth can also appeal to this type.

My aesthetics taste is refined, so I can only like some of such looks.

Overall, I am not sure how I feel about this type. On one hand it looks interesting, but since it is too close to ESFP, I am wary of it.

Possibly if a ISFP girl is very quiet, docile and demure, I can get along with her.

Entrepreneur ESTP

No finally to the Thinking types. I think it is Entrepreneur who can be this key person to allow my ascend to stratosphere of power and success.

I do not think this type is the preverbal Chad. Instead, he is likely an ambitious guy who wants to succeed in life.

In fact, it is the Thinking Explorers xSTP who connect the world together.

I think with ESTP ability to understand and sell the business to Sentinels and other types together with my logical scientific genius, we will be able to make a successful business that will make us millionaires and afford us anything we want.

Unlike narrow minded Sentinels, someone more Prospecting might be able to see genius of my ways and ideas and communicate it to other people.

Virtuoso ISTP

I think Virtuoso is more of a practical genius who is much better with things, than with abstract ideas.

They probably have a lot more interest in things rather than people.

They probably have some niche interests that they are completely obsessed with. I personally do not find such obsession to be bad. I fact I find person like this to be very predictable and easy to deal with. If it is a girl like this I can be sure she is not cheating on me.

It is very likely that I and Virtuoso will be able to appreciate abilities of each other. In fact a Virtuoso might be able to put some of my ideas in practice. That is something I will be able to appreciate.

Someone like this is very useful in a business enterprise.

I think I can possibly like a girl like this as well. A girl who spends her time alone, honing some of her skills to perfection, as well as putting them to use to make my ideas reality.

In general Introversion is good for a girl. I much prefer introverted girls over extroverted ones.

Gender Differences

I think this type, especially its Extroverted subtypes, work a lot better for a guy. ESxP girls will be too manly.

I personally would not want to meet an Entertainer (ESFP) no matter their gender.

However Introverted subtypes can work well for both men and women. ISxP.

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