Thursday, August 31, 2023

Why Hollywood, Game Industry and Even Anime and Life in General is Shit nowadays.

Since these Toxic Moral Men and their Hill$0ng Church control a lot of institutions, they poison Hollywood, Game Industry and partly even anime.

These are truly sad times. Hopefully they will end soon.

All adherents of Hill$0ng must die.

Not All Men Are Equal

Male Master Race

I often like to defend men.

I see that men are often blamed and persecuted for no good reason at all. I believe it is not fair and men has to be compensated for this evil.

That said I often based my idea of men based on the best of them. People like Fedya, Fubu(Sej), Tsukasa and Sameer are all deserving people who definitely should be in the best place in society. Together with me of course. We are the part and body of male master race, who shall rule the world.

We aspire to get high in life. To win, to prevail, to overcome and get ahead. We advance science and technology. 

We want to make world a more comfortable and convenient place. Out kind of better. Because of people like us humanity does not live in caves.

We aspire for humanity to transcend its current self and become something more and better. Something compared to which, old men of the past would be nothing more than apes.

We wish to become gods, an Ubermensches

Toxic Moral Men

However of course there are other kind of men out there as well. I wanted to think that they are somehow mislead by evil oppressive system, but most likely they are not. They are simply scum who even knowing it all still choose to serve evil.

Simplest example of them is my dad. He is a rare piece of trash that definitely deserve to die the most horrible death imaginable.

There are others like him, like Vshyvyi for example. Male feminists, self-hating kind Christian propagandists who try to impose self-hate on people by telling them to ask God forgiveness.

They worship women and spoil the rotten. They call them 'princess' 'lady' and other such labels. They excuse them every shit imaginable.

They hate other men; they believe men are expendable. They create stupid self-hating religions such as some forms of Christianity and then spread this self-hating to other people. They say that Neon Genesis Evangelion is best anime.

In short, they just perpetrate their evil system and hurt people unreasonably.

Nietzsche called them Last Man; Japanese call them Herbivore Men, I would call them Toxic Moral Men. 

What to do with Toxic Moral Men

Fundamentally even if they are offered to be part of Male Master Race, they will simply refuse it. It contradicts their values. It is not that they are misled, it is just that they do not want glory for some inexplicable for me reason.

Yet these Toxic Moral Men are constantly trying to foil us at every turn. They get in the way and prevent us from reaching the glory that should have long been ours.

In fact, we, the Male Master Race (MMR) have absolutely nothing in common with Toxic Moral Men (TMM). In fact, it pains to even call them of the same gender or even species as us.

However, these TMM are omnipresent in various structures of government and media, and they abuse these to keep MMR from power.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Somehow, I was always curious about various secrets of this world. 

Because of that I read Wikipedia and various articles on the net.

However occasionally I read about various religions. Especially about those that have some sort of secrets about them.

I have no interest in some agnostic religion that simply says that God cannot be understood. He should only be worshipped. I have no interest or need for such good.

Same with religions who simply give people some rules to follow. I have no need for such rules. They are stupid.

However, some of the occult or mysterious things do interest me. I am of course skeptical and would not simply trust anything any of them say. Not every occult was born equal, some are nothing more than conventional religion inversion, who simply worship devil or some sardine heads instead.

However, some of them seem indeed wished for higher knowledge.

However recently I found out that there were other people like me who too wished to uncover secrets of the world. There were many of them some of them. Some of them managed to figure out something interesting indeed. 

Some of them called it understanding 'god'. However, god for them was not some person with power or creator of the world. They saw god as some form of principle or a logical formula that explains the world. They were determined to find this formula out. Much like mathematicians or physics try to find out furious formulas that govern their discipline. In this regard this can be called metaphysics. Physics of psychology or human consciousness possibly.

I think broader term for this kind of approach to live is Gnosticism. Gnostic movements and religions are many and diverse. Some are an offshoot of mainstream religions, such as Sufism is an offshoot of Islam.

Philosophers call this metaphysics instead. Some like Nietzsche whore a lot of what can be considered metaphysics. That is different from ethical philosophy that some other philosophers practice. 

The ethical philosophy is just like anti-gnostic religion that does nothing but gives you different set of rules to follow.

I have no need for any of their rules or their phony rule. I want to uncover all the secrets of the world and then rule it myself but pulling the strings from the shadows. 

Some mainstream religions can have Gnostic principle embedded in them. For example, Buddhism. Buddha is not some god or mystical creature. He was a man who figured out and understood some truth and secrets of this world. This understanding of these secrets is what made him Buddha and everyone who manages to understand them will become just as much of a Buddha as the original one was. That is why there are several famous Buddhas who each done their thing and many more obscure ones, who learned the truth and kept it for themselves. 

Anyone theoretically can become a Buddha. I would even claim I am one myself. 

MBTI as a rule of Thumb

Found this on reddit recently.

It is an oversimplification and exaggeration of course, but it does represent truth in somewhat simplified way.

Extroverts just talk to people in social context out of boredom.
Introverts only communicate if they either need to or because there is something that interests their curiosity.

I(N)tuitives indeed read a lot, not necessary books, but generally all sort of information that interest them. It is infomation that interests them and they consume it a lot. (May be that is just NT and NF read for some other reason)
Sensors probably trust their senses or something. I am not sensor so I cannot know. Because of that they do not read.
That possibly makes N and S unable to get along with each other.

Thinkers are not really helping types, unless you want some information that is. I can share only info with you.
Feelers probably more of a helpers. Once again I cannot know as I am not F

Finally color coding.
I am J so I do like to organize my pictures and music in various categories. Sometimes I abbreviate categories to one of several letter just like MBTI
Not sure if Prospectors are unorganized.

I am a Superior Being

As a man, I am superior to all women per se. 

I am also superior to many other men, who are nothing more than filthy mongrels compare to me.

I am a most supreme kind of being.

An Emperor of this Universe and All Possible Others.

I am God. 

The only True God on this Heaven and Earth

Maledom and Feminism

Some people claim that maledom and feminism are not mutually exclusive. That woman wishes to explore her sexuality and men should support her by being a helpful friendly feminist dom.

This pathetic pink pseudo 'maledom' is not something I practice.

My kind of Maledom is not about helping her explore her sexuality on her own terms. 

It is about my will, my rule and my supremacy. 

She must worship me and deliver pleasure and satisfaction from serving a superior man such as myself.

My kind of Maledom revolves around me and not her.

Dodging Moralistic Feminazi Crusaders

Recent bans on MAL and AniList got me convinced that freedom of speech was replaced with some sort of feminazi totalitarian occupation.

This blog should be safe enough space. Feminazi will not be able to stop anyone from posting here.

Since world is full of the moralistic feminist idiots, who push their stupidity on people around them, we need to be able to dodge them somehow.

We need some sort of underground state or a resistance. Similar to how countries under Nazi occupation during the WWII had their resistance movements, where people who oppose Nazi rule could get together, interact and work together to end Nazi rule.

It has to be discreet enough to prevent feminazi and their collaborators from finding out.

It is hard to readily tell who is feminazi and who is not. 

Therefore, it is too risky to just talk to someone about my worldviews, fetishes and sexual practices.

I have to make sure first that the girl in question clearly shares my views.

Perhaps some discreet symbol can help with that.

Men are Superior Gender

While it does seem like obvious, but because of feminism this idea is being gradually eroded recently.

Men built this civilization. 

Men created science, ideologies and philosophy. All great philosophers and most scientists were men. Men won Nobel prizes and such. The few female names in science are more of an exception. None of them would have achieved it on their own without men.

Men invented all the technology. All the tech names are overwhelmingly male. Men invented all the core tech we use nowadays, and men keep building and inventing more tech. 

Without men humanity would still be caveman savages, like bonobo apes.

History conclusively proven that no women led society has ever achieved anything of significance. There are some women led tribes in Africa, but they have never become anything bigger than a tribe. Only men can turn some filthy tribe even into even a tribe coalition, much less into a Kingdom or an Empire. Of course, only men can make it into modern nation.

Men actually has to defend civilization. Men fought in wars while women just sat home in safety. We have what we have because of men. Women just got it for free and now refuse to even be grateful for what they have.

Even in terms raw strength women. Are clearly inferior to men. Look at any sport and simply compare how well male and female teams play. Female champions who beat all other female teams play on the level 4th rate male teams. If a female team will ever play against a male one, it will break all the records as male team will completely obliterate the female one.

Even in something like music there are no female composers who can actually write their own music. Clara Schumann is more of token composer than a real one. Sure, women sing it, but what they sing is written by men.

In professional restaurant industry all chiefs are male. Cooking was a traditional female duty and role in a relationship, yet despite years of practice and experience, they cannot do it better than men.

Even in female fashion all the designers are male. Women cannot even figure out how to design their own clothes.


All of the above conclusively prove that women are not equal to men at all. They are closer to cats, dogs and other animals, that to men. So, any idea of equality between men and women is ludicrous to begin with. 

So, women should be good obedient pets for their owners. The best they can do is to be a good servant and assistant to men. That is what they are and what they should be. 

Girls Should Feel Guilty for Causing Feminism

I think that women should take responsibility for causing feminism. Even if they were not the ones who invented it, they still benefitted from it and get undue help, protection, money and support at men's expense. 

Women has to pay back for getting all that. They should begin by apologizing for causing feminism and promise to make amends and agree to take appropriate punishment.

While I sure like to punish women as part of BDSM Maledom, but I want my women to look genuinely sorry for themselves. 

This is important emotional and ideological foundation for relationships. She has to acknowledge that it was she who is wrong and has to pay me back.

Just as she has to acknowledge that I am the one who is in charge and make all the rules.

Also, I do find sexy when women apologizing in front of me. Apologizing does make a statement about acknowledging my rules and submitting to them. I want to see girl doing this and bowing down to me.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Sub/Bottom Most Girl at the Furthest Depth of the Abyss of Submissiveness

I often like to use word slave when referring to the kind of girl I like. In BDSM there are couple of equivalent terms such as 'sub' or 'bottom'. However, I prefer term 'slave' as it carries permanence. One can top or bottom for some time and then stop. Slave on the other hand carries permanence, the idea that is not merely a role to play in sex at times but a permanent place in life.

In fact, people who see it as just a kink to play sometimes when they are bored often use terms 'top and bottom.'

In contrast those who see it as a permanent lifestyle choice and natural order of things instead use terms master and slave. Remember Sir Stephen in 'Story of O' wanted to brand O because that will give greater permanence to his ownship of her.

I am clearly in a permanent lifestyle group. I am master who looks for female slaves to serve me in both BDSM sexual and lifestyle way. I frequently make it explicitly clear that I only top and never bottom or switch. The only role I desire to fulfil is that of a master.

Thus, I want a girl who is no less clear and unambiguous about only fitting the slave role. TrueHellDei for example was unsure about many things, but she was rather clear that it is being a slave that she wants.

I will not feel comfortable with a girl who swings between being top and bottom. As I mentioned many times I do not like dommes and femdom. In fact, anything that makes her come out as top is like a red flag to me.

I want a girl who is clearly and unambiguously slave/sub/bottom type. Who can only bottom and cannot top at all.

And she has to be bottom most type. Everything about her should look and feel bottom. She has to think how she can be even more or a bottom slave that she currently is. She has to aspire to reach full depth of bottomness slavery for herself. I do not like low effort girl in that regard.

Things like dogeza, crawling on all fours, licking toilet bowls, floor, boots or asshole do show that kind of attempt to go even lower to the very depth of slavery, submission and humiliation. That is why I like these kinds of fetishes.

Since I call myself an Emperor of the Universe, it is only fitting that my slave girl should be on the other extreme of complete subordinated subservient powerlessness.

Unlearning Feminism

Back in 90s when USSR collapsed new private businesses when hiring customer service staff would often specify total absence of customer service experience during the soviet era.

They did that because customer service changed a lot with the collapse of USSR. So, it was much easier for them to teach completely unexperienced person new ways of customer service than make soviet era customer service employee change their soviet era habits. Some even believed soviet era employees to be completely irredeemable.

For the very same reasons modern Western men pick Asian girls over Western women. It is easier to teach clueless Asian everything she needs to know to please you, then to make a Western woman unlearn feminism and all the traits, habits, values and opinions, it imprinted in her. Some like MGTOW even believes Western women as irredeemable as soviet employee.

Because of that Western women face a great challenge of unlearning everything feminism has ever taught them or forever lose men ot Asian girls.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Story of My Name

I have rather fancy and sophisticated real name first name. However back in the days most people used rather ugly diminutive versions of it, depriving my name of its birthright glory.

However, there was one person in my life, who revived its glory and made many people around me to acknowledge it. That was my friend Tsukasa.

Back when we both studied English together, there was a policy of replacing hard to pronounce foreign names with reasonably similar English names. Most of the time it only affected Chinese people. However, Chinese do adopt English names themselves as part of their own approach to life. 

It is a general tradition of Chinese to adopt new names at reaching various milestones in life, like for example graduation from university. All the students will take a new name after graduating. Perhaps as a statement of one's achievement. In same lieu, adopting an English name on immigrating into English speaking country is also a thing Chinese and Taiwanese people just normally do.

That however does not apply to Japanese. Japanese keep their names for life just like most other cultures do. Thus, it baffled Tsukasa when he was also told to go by the name 'Nick' instead of his birth name. He always told the teachers to call him Tsukasa and not Nick and most but not all obliged. That was all the stranger considering Tsukasa is not hard to pronounce at all, however some of our teachers insisted that he has to go by Nick.

Tsukasa hated it and push for as many people as he could to call him Tsukasa. Just as he was zealous about his own name, he was zealous of mine. He too always called me by my full first name and push for as many people as possible to do the same. Overtime my full name in its full glory became the name all of my friends and associated used on a daily basis. He even rendered it in hiragana and katakana for me.

Thus, thanks to Tsukasa, I developed received admiration for my full first name. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

2000s Fashion

I much prefer female clothes of the 2000s to what they became in 2010s.

While not everything that came from the 2000s is sexy, but it is definitely better than what came in 2010s.

Small and tight jeans shorts that nearly exposed butts. Low waist jeans. Colorful small tight tops that exposed waist. Alternatively, asymmetric dresses, that looked that they made out of leftover clothes. I like that kind of stuff. A lot of these were tight and I like it when girls wear tight things as they highlight curves of their bodies. All these things would give the girl the kind of pitiful cute look, that I like a lot.

In contrast everything of 2010s became completely anti-sexy. Jackets of all sorts, male business suits for females. Clothes that hide and obscure curves instead of highlighting them. Retro ugly 'Chirstian' pale grey-blue dresses. And worst of them all: bun hair like that of an old strict unlikable woman or celestial dragons from One Piece.

Who in their sane mind would date this thing on the picture below, she is the polar opposite of attractive.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

I am, Thor I the Impaler, Emperor of this Universe and All Possible Others.


I guess I never mentioned it on this blog.

I even have a club dedicated to serving me on MAL, but now I am banned on MAL.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Girls should show that she is willing to go great length for me.

 I like girls head down and ass up.

I also like it when they spread their assholes with their fingers as far as they can possibly get it.

That shows me that she is willing to go to great length to and rip her hole as far as humanly possible for the sake of pleasing me.

It shows both dedication to me as well as willingness to endure pain.

I do not like girls who are to stingy and protective of their hole.

Being with me is a priviledge and girls should be willing to pay for it.

I mean it in both literal and figurative meaning as well.

I can fuck them long and hard, but they have to give me something that I want if they wish to experience it.

All the drawbacks of a relationship with me are a fair price she has to pay if she wants to experience the good sides of it as well.

Girls should be flexible and mallable.


Girls should be flexible and adaptive.

They should be willing to 'bend over backwards' to please me. ('bend over backwards' is a figure of speech if you do not understand)

That is they should bend to me and my desires, rather than expect me to meet their expectations.

I mean it in a broadest possible way. Not just in sex but in all life situations generally.

They should be willing to let me have my way and accommodate me as much as humanly and physically possible.

I want to see her putting efforts to meet all and any of my demands.

That also shows that she properly understands relationships dynamics.

That she accepts that it is man who makes rules, and it is girl who obeys him and his rules.

If she cannot show that, I cannot reasonably know that she is sufficiently obedient to my taste.

She has to be not only obedient in sex but in normal life situations as well.

Is it uterus that makes women enjoy being passive partner in sex? Are women actually feel more like guys do during their period, rather than not during period?

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Communication is important, better if its written.

I am rather poor at getting various social cues and such. So, the girl should be able to express herself with words alone.

Words and communication are important for me to understand and visualize her place and her role in my life.

Of course, she has to say things that I want to hear if she wants to be with me.

Somehow girls often talk a lot to attract attention but fail to communicate important things. Fail to say things that I want to hear.

Better yet if such communication is written. I do not like loud voices and heated exchanges.

I have particular appreciation for written communication over oral one. So, it would be extra cute if she writes me nice things instead of saying them out loud.

'Words are Violence, Break the Silence.'

That picture shows the kind of thing I would enjoy readind on a sign, that a girl will hold for me.

Women should learn from other women I like. Also, they should acknowledge their appeal.

Women should learn from other women whom I like. For example, from TrueHellDei. That way they will be able to appeal to me more.

Also, they should show their humbleness by acknowledging that these other women I like are attractive. They should even say that they are more attractive than themselves. I will like them more for showing their humbleness this way, rather than for criticizing them. 

I generally like humble girls so if a girl can say that someone else is more pretty than her, I can like her more for that, not less.

You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain.

This is rather famous saying is actually really true. I have two examples that confirm this. One is Michael Schumacher, famous Formula 1 racer. The other is my dad.

Michael Schumacher of 90s

Back in 90s Schumacher was very likable and admirable personally of Formula 1 world. He often had slower car that his rivals, Damon Hill, Jaques Villeneuve and Mika Hakkinen. However, he had determination to fight for victory and never give up. On that sheer determination he won against them when he could. Shumacher became champion twice with competitive, but slower than Williams of 1994 and 1995, Benetton.

Then Ferrari offered him more money to switch to them. While one of the most titled teams of F1, Ferrari of 1996 was actually slow and even less competitive than Benetton. However, Schumacher, Ross Brawn and Nick Fry were lured there by the money they offered and set to make Ferrari win again. 

That was easier said than done. In 1996 they barely managed to beat their former team Benetton, who took in uncompetitive Jean Alezi from Ferrari to replace Schumacher. In 1995 in Ferrari Alezi was not even close to Benetton. However, Schumacher shoved that he could get any car faster than what other racers could do.

In 1997 Ferrari with Schumacher, Ross Brawn and Nick Fry could compete with Williams again. Williams was still faster than them, but they press and almost won. On the last race Schumacher leaded but collided with Villeneuve and had to retire. Not only he lost race and championship, but race stewards also decided that he crushed into Villeneuve deliberately and took away all of his points for the season. Similar incident in 1994 was not considered Schumacher's fault, but allowed him to win.

In 1998 Willams got slow and uncompetitive, but McLaren instead get fast Mercedes engines. They were so good it was as if they were in, they own class of racing and everyone else was Formula 1.5. Only Schumacher could possibly chase after then and sometimes beat them. Everyone else settled for competing for the 4th place after both McLarens and Schumacher. Even in these conditions Schumacher kept the intrigue of championship all the way to the last race, and only lost after his car broke down.

Ferrari and Shumacher could somewhat breach the gap in 1999, but he crashed mid-season and broke his leg. He had to stay in hospital almost to the end of the season and once again lost his chances for his next champion title. He however recovered from a crush and returned for the last two races of the season to help his teammate Eddy Irvine to become a champion for the team. On one of these he even deliberately slowed down to let Eddy pass him, win and get more points in championship.

Only in 2000 after four years of trials, Schumacher became champion again, this time for Ferrari. That felt very well deserved and made his fans happy.

Schumacher of the 2000s and 2010s

Then came era of Shumacher and Ferrari dominance. They became unreachable and reduced the rest of the F1 to Formula 1.5. At times there were some intrigues as to who will become champion. Other years Shumacher would simply win almost every race and secure championship mid-season.

One time on such mid-season race Ferrari even ordered his then teammate Barrichello to let him pass to secure their next championship. Similar to how Schumacher himself let Irvine pass him in 1999. However, in 1999 it was a penultimate race and championship really was at stake. In 2002 Schumacher was so far ahead in championship points, it was only a question of mathematical probability for any of his opponents.

Schumacher wanted to somehow ease out the fallout by giving Barrichello his trophy, but it did little to help the issue. From crown favorite underdog, he was evolving into a Red Baron who sometimes wins on backs of his subordinates.

Ferrari of course needed victories as well, so team was pleased with a teamwork the Schumacher and Barrichello have showed, but fans were not pleased.

Ferrari kept paying him huge sums of money and he eventually became fabulously rich even by standards of F1 where most races recide in Principality of Monaco.

Schumacher won two more consecutive titles after this one. However, in 2005 and 2006 then young Fernando Alonso won twice. He done it with almost the very same team where Schumacher himself started. Since Schumacher, Ross Brawn and Nick Fry left Benetton, Renaut bought it and renamed it after themselves. They even brought back manager of the time Flavio Briatore, who found a new Schumacher like young driver, Fernando Alonso, who once again managed to win for the blue time.

For Schumacher it probably was almost like losing to the former self. However, Alonso and Renaut became champions not once but twice. Schumacher eventually announced his retirement at the end of 2006.

Schumacher returned to F1 in 2010 with Mercedes works team. However, at that time he was merely riding on his old-time reputation. He was not only in no shape to compete for championship, but he was also even much slower than his teammate Nico Rosberg. After three years Mercedes eventually replaced him with Lewis Hamilton.

Finally, Schumacher crashed while mountain skiing and is now in coma.

Lewis Hamilton

With some recearch I can write similar, but less dramatic story about how Hamilton himself devolved from an underdog into some sort of Silver Baron of Mercedes team. He too used to fight with Rosberg for every victory, until he finally became robber baron who wins without any real competition. He too eventually was dethroned by Max Verstappen.

My dad

Now about my dad. I do not want to give away too many details for privacy reasons, but I will mention something.

Back in the 90s he also was rather amassing person who managed to not only survive in challenging 90s but also to thrive and keep family and me personally rich and prosperous. He created and ran businesses and done a lot of cool things. He could do things that others could not even think of.

Then in 2000s he was mostly sitting on the laurels but could still do various useful things to make life better. During the divorce I even chose to stay with him over my mom. My mom was useless for as long as I could remember. However, he was getting increasingly stupid and useless himself.

Finally in 2010s he gone completely senile. He stole my money and refuses to admit to it. I am not sure if he fails to count property or simply lies to keep the appearance that he did not stole it.

That kind of inglorious ending.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Maledom is pro-sex and Feminism is anti-sex

Feminists keep protecting and respectfully keep integrity of female fuck-holes uncompromised with any dicks that had to be thrusted inside for any sexual action. However, such thing would be disrespectful for a feminist. Thus, feminist women can get respect from sissies but no sex.

On the other hand, maledom men do not care or respect women at all. They can and will just thrust their dicks into any female fuck-hole they wish to use and fuck her senselessly for a long time, until they will finally cum, giving the lucky bitch plenty of orgasms in the process.

You cannot have both, so you have to choose.

Feminism should be Equated with Femcels

Since feminists themselves are using all sorts of labels to attack men, I see no reason to not do the same to them.

First of all, all feminists are actually merely female incels (femcells). The kind of women who can never attract a real man.

Only femcels are feminists.

In fact, every man who respects himself should always deny sex and relationship to a feminist.

Only a sissy will date a feminist.

Then I can also add this:

Only ugly women become feminists.

Finally, a little extra:

No even slightly pretty girl is a feminist; 

if you are, then you are ugly.

Lo and behold how these slogans, like noble phantasms of Gate of Babylon, destroy feminism.

Girl Should Accept and Obey My Rules and My Order


I have my own values, rules, principles and generally an order that I create around myself. All of these are unique to me. They have little in common with norms prevalent in society or even rules that my parents tried to impose on me.

I greatly value my order and can only accept a girl who will accept and obey all of my rules and submit to my order.

The girl should show me that she understands and will obey my rules. Otherwise, I will not want to have anything with her.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

People think I am trolling, while I am dead serious.

I prefer using very unambiguous worlds to express myself. Asperger Syndrome may be. That may sound disgusting to some.

Some might even think I am joking or trolling.

However, I am not.

I can joke at times, but most of the time I am dead serious.

What Me and My Friends Were Like


I think that this logo, that Fubu (Serj) designed back in the days to represent our community and what we stand for, is actually good to represent my own needs and interests as well.

Axe represents video games. We were big fans of Starcraft and played other video games as well. I am not sure if we would have picked anime as well, but possibly so. Perhaps it was a form of escapism, but video games were integral to our community.

Guitar represents metal music. We were avid fans of heavy metal as that music with its rage and anger over how world is resonated well with our own feelings about the world and society. We liked heavy riffs and angsty lyrics.

Finally, beer mug represents beer. Beer represents hedonism and pursuit of pleasure. I was a simple way to get happy back in the days. We drank, but not too much as to get wasted completely. Just to feel good.

Letters 'JT' on the mug stand for 'Just True'. They are probably the most important part. They mean that we only embrace things that we see as 'true'. In a world full of hypocrisy, bullshit, nonsense, brainwashing, propaganda and self-righteousness of old people, we reject all this shit and only embrace what is true to us. Video Games, Metal Music, Beer are things that can give as pleasure and happiness. They are the things we need and want. 

Finally, seven-point star that I added, represent hope and dream for a better world where things we value have finally prevailed over the bullshit.

After a long while I rediscovered this logo. I am not sure if my friends have changed since then, but I think this logo feels all the truer now that back in the days when it felt like it is only a little fad. 

'Just True' is needed now more than ever. It stands for all that matters. For the world we need and want.

It stands proudly in the face of the bullshit world that boomers and Gen W are trying to impose on us.

Just like Lelouch and Black Knights, Captain Herlock and his Pirates it stands for all that is good in our eyes against bullshit broad world and mainstream culture around us.

On Confusion Around Patriarchy

While word 'patriarchy' often used in feminist and anti-feminist circles alike. It actually has two distinct meaning.

One is rule of men over women. This I fully support and want to implement in real life.

The other is rule of old men over young ones as well as rule of parents over children. This I fully oppose. I do not believe that old men should rule, nor that parents should have control over children. In fact, this second kind of patriarchy has actually created the feminism to fight back their lack of control over young people. 

Thus, both feminism and old people have to be equally opposed.

Young men rule. Men of my age to be precise. Men in their 30s (until I turn 40, then it will be men in their 40s).

Cultural Revolution and Society I envision.

While I do want to have power and privileges that come with it. Mostly for the sake of the privileges.

What I really want is a cultural revolution and transvaluation of values. I want to eradicate feminist culture and everything that comes with it and replace it with a maledom culture where women are unquestionably subordinated to men in all questions.

I sure as hell do not want to destroy prosperity. In fact, I want to enhance prosperity and quality of life.

I also do not particularly oppose the rich. Rich people are more useful for society than retirees in retirement homes for example. 

In fact, retirement homes are nothing, but black holes that destroy country's wealth, comfort and prosperity. They are cancer. The are parasite and vermin that constantly eats away at our food, wealth and wellbeing. They must be weed out for us to regain former prosperity.

Also, it is alright if someone has a yacht if I have one as well. It is also alright if no one but me has a yacht. However, it is not alright if I do not have a yacht.

On Common Values in Relationship

In a romantic relationship unity of values are important for mutual understanding and harmonious relationship overall. 

My parents used to argue with each other a lot and I certainly want to avoid that in my own relationship. I want a girl who agrees with on everything.

That does not only to common third culture kid culture, but also to other aspects of personality. 

How one sees their place in life, do they want to contribute to society or take the best for themselves. 

Do they feel shame and guilt or not. 

What do they treat people around them. 

Do they see world as hierarchy with themselves above someone, but below someone else or do they see everyone as neither superior nor inferior to them. 

Do they believe that everyone is the same or that everyone is different.

Does one take personal interests above all else or believe in some common values, such as religious ones, that are above these.

Answers to these questions can produce a common ground for the relationship or in contrast create rifts that will not be able to heal.

Thus, I want a girl who shares my views and approach to life. 

I take best for myself, and I want a girl who does what will benefit me at whoever else expense. I do not care if others suffer so long as I am getting good stuff. I need it more than anyone else, period, even if they will die without it. (However, I do not mess with people out of spite, malice or boredom. Some other people do but not me. I do cause other people problems, if it is not for my advantage.)

I do not feel shame or guilt. While I like girls who can looked embarrassed in a sexy way (because her pussy is exposed or something else), I do not like girls who will flat out refuse to do things because of their conscience or something like that.

While hierarchies do exist in the world, I do try to avoid them as much as I can. I do not accept informal social hierarchies and do not pay any attention to them when interacting with people around me. Only people who accept flat non-hierarchical social interactions can really be my friends. The only hierarchical thing I eventually embraced is that women are always inferior and subordinated to men. However, men are equal to each other, as women are equal to each other. Especially so within a group. There can be exceptions in this rule, but overall, I gravitate towards this idea. Like on fictional planet Gor, where men always rule, and women always serve as kajirae. I wish to see the world where men never serve, and women never rule.

I overall do believe that everyone is different and dislike various 'one size fits all' totalitarian ideologies that wish to make everyone the same, such as religions. Especially Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I absolutely hate people who tell me what to do and avoid them like a plague. I do not do as they say and sometimes do the opposite just to spite and assert my individuality. Often discreetly as I do not want to be chewed at by some zealot. I can even do radical things to eliminate such people from my life.

I want to create a culture (or subculture) for people who share my views and values so that we can live the way we see fit. I want to either overthrow existing culture and order, or distance myself from it as much as possible as to not be controlled by its rules. I want a girl who shares this attitude and also does not feel any loyalty to the current mainstream culture. I want to make sure that she also detests feminism and the culture of the 10s.

Finally, I do not see myself as someone who works for society as a whole. I do not think that I owe anything to either society or my parents. I do not wish to pay them back or contribute to them on any moral grounds. My girl too has to have unimpeded loyalties to me alone and no one else such as her parents or broader society.

I however can work for the benefit or a group if this group in turn does not fail to look after my self-interests. However, they have to prove their worth and ability to contribute towards my self-interests. I am very much open towards forming such groups jointly with people who share this attitude. I can have loyalty to such group, but I will lose it in an instant if such group ever fails to contribute to my self-interests.

Also, I love unrestrained hedonism and dreaminess of 1999 and the 00s I absolutely abhor the austerity era of 10s with its material poverty. I want a girl who shares my views on that and work to make sure my life feels as hedonistic as possible.

Third Culture Kids and Why I am one

Fundamentally Third-culture kid is the only possibly identity I can possibly have. 

Back in Russia my parents moved a lot and I had to adjust to different schools often with kids who had somewhat different cultures from area where I study before.

To top it all up, USSR collapsed, and Soviet culture was slowly dying, without anything in particular yet emerged to replace it with.

To top it up upper class friends my parents used to have, have vastly different culture from poorer kids in most schools I attended. I played with children my parents privileged friends and many of them were nice.

In fact, Nikos and Kiril from private school are possibly the best kind of friends I ever had in Russia. Interacting with them was easy and pleasant.

Fedya was valuable, because he had skills in surviving that nasty hostile environment, he had to live in. Though I could appreciate that he was a lot more on my side in various issues that my parents for example. However, that was not always the case.

I spend couple of years in a private school with other upper-class kids. I could often get along much better with upper-class kids, than with poorer kids in other schools. Many poorer kids were often hostile, and I avoided them. Possibly they were jealous of my wealth and genius.

I now think that my parents pulled me out of private school because they did not like this upper-class culture it had. Bastards may be made money in 90s, but it is their loyalty to their poorer background that ruined it all. 


Because of all of the above, it was smart of me to emigrate out of Russia and move to Australia. There for a time being I was surrounded by other thrid culture kids, just like myself.

They are the best people to be around. They are friendly, tolerant and hopeful of the future. They are not stuck in any one culture but are open minded and travel the world seeking better life to themselves. They are dreamers.

They are possibly the only kind of people I can possibly get along with. As I lack awareness or acceptance of any of the cultures, I have been exposed to. 

So, I can only get along with other people who are just like me.


I actually like being third culture kid as it gives me freedom from any one way of living that is imposed on people elsewhere.

I like to have my options and freedom to do whatever I want. I do not want to be confined in any one way of living.

Knowing my options allow me to shop for better conditions and not just be stuck in whatever mess happenstances wish to plug me in.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Victim Girl is an Essence of BDSM

I think that what makes BDSM attractive to men is the fact that they like their girls to be victims. 

At the very least I like my girls to be cute, adorable helpless victims. The more of a victim she is, the more I can like her. Or course she also has to have Stockholm Syndrome and be in live with her tormentor/abuser (me) and love to be tormented and abused.

After all what can make girl look more like a victim, than ropes, handcuffs, gag and blindfold. When she wears all that, she is helpless powerless victim, who is completely in the hands of her tormentor.

And of course, she also has to demonstrate her Stockholm Syndrome by telling me how much she loves being tormented and abused by me.

TrueHellDei for example complains about all sorts of hardships in life she experiences from being a woman. However, she does not need any help and more than willing to keep suffering from it all.

How Feminism Makes Men Reject Women altogether.

If anything, feminism made guys like that averted of women. 

It turned many into people who would not want to do anything with women at all. Some of these became gay, but others are into 2D fictional women instead.

Others became Alt-Right, Alt-Lite (post-Left, label is misleading as Alt-Right is rather distant from traditional right, the only reason there is right in there is because feminism is associated with left), they now advocate for social and cultural change. As they face unreasonably cruel and unfair treatment from feminist zealots and mainstream media, they will go further underground and radicalize their views on women. 

We will not be willing to accept a woman, unless she rejects everything feminism teaches and provides for her and accepts subservient place. She must be willing to renounce feminism completely and without any reservations, if she wants to be accepted by us.

Is it guilt, that divided people into supporters and opponents of feminism?

I was thinking recently on why some men support feminism and love femdom. Are they stupid, well they obviously are. However, what causes their stupidity?

I concluded that it must be a feeling of guilt.

Because a men should really be driven by guilt to support this otherwise toxic, disgusting ideology. I wonder if for that reason they also do femdom. As punishment for some guilt, they have.

As a person, incapable of feeling guilt, that is really hard for me to understand. I personally do not feel guilt and always absolve myself of any fault for anything. Because of that I do not support feminism and detest femdom.

I wonder if on fundamental level it is ability or inability to feel guilt, that separates men into two big groups? 

This difference most of the time prevent them from even understanding each other. Even if they can understand each other, they can hardly get along with each other as this difference makes them hate those who are not like them. People who cannot feel guilt will think that those who do are retarded and act in completely stupid self-destructive way. Those who can feel guilt may in turn call those who cannot soulless or even non-human. 

I remember my parents were saying something like that, because I cannot feel guilt. They though that will make me feel inferior and change my ways. 

If anything, it led to the opposite effect. Of course, it could be that I would have felt superior to others anyhow, but we cannot know how I would have turned out to be if they took different approach.

I actually took pride and felt superior to them and other people. I was something like a demon or a vampire rather than some sort of pathetic ordinary mortal human being.

The only difference my parents preaching left, is that I become reclusive and introverted as I felt that people who thing they are better than those around them are not well accepted in society.

Because of that I would say that any man who does not feel guilt, detest feminism and because of that are all potential doms.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Girls Dependent on Sex


We need to exploit girl's dependency on sex. 

Ideally if she is as much of a sex addict as a junkie, but unable to find any.

That way it would be easy to control her, as you can simply deny her your cock if she does not behave the way you want.

With that you can soon have her wrapped around your leg or even little finger, unable to defy or leave you.

Literary vs Genre Fiction

There is plenty of debate about the difference between literary fiction and genre fiction as well as misunderstanding of what the literary fiction is and why it is often hailed as higher than the rest.

The major difference is that genre fiction appeals to emotions while literary one to the intellect.

Genre fiction should be likable and often the most important in it is to have an appealing characters and to lesser extend settings and story. For example Edward Cullen from Twilight (I hope the spelling is correct since I all my knowledge if this books is from all this fuss over the Internet) is very popular with women and that, particularly for this book, alone is what sells the book and even makes it a best seller.

Literary fiction on the other hand appeals to intellect and characters, setting and story is primary used as vehicle to describe and illustrate a topic or topics chosen by the author; because of that there is a plenty of literary criticism that discusses issues and topics covered by the author. Complexity of literary fiction comes from the fact that while use of metaphors and allegories allows to illustrate the issue better they also make it more obscure and demand a degree of mental effort from readers to figure the point out.

I think that in all times there were plenty of people who preferred simple mass fiction and there was plenty of simple mass fiction for these people. It's just simple mass fiction doesn't lives too long and rarely stays in history like literary fiction is. Because unlike literary fiction, where every book is insightful in a unique way, audience of mass fiction constantly wants to consume essentially the same stories in a new wrap and there are plenty of new writers who are constantly churning new and new ones.

But despite obstacles literary authors of the past managed to succeed and literary books were read in the past and I am sure that even nowadays there are people who interested in intellectual literature and therefore would seek literary fiction even in this sea of simile.

On My Philosophical Writings

Of course, I would like to say something like: Sure my writings will make difference, enhance humanity and bring about a Utopia where everyone would be happy. Or course I would like to see that, but it is a philosophical book, if it would be really understood by at least one other person that would be good enough.

Here is why: Long ago Socrates said that Olympian gods probably do not exist. His contemporaries were outrages by this transgression against then prevailing common sense, which probably was at least one of the reasons for his bitter end. Nowadays we know that Socrates was right but did this knowledge let humanity in general to advance to levels of greater metaphysical understanding of the world? Since there are just different gods nowadays and atheism is still not universal, hardly so. And if this simple truth of Socrates are still not widely accepted despite being around for so long then what level of intelligence is required for something of complexity of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, So when at least someone understands philosophy it is good enough.
Every good philosophical book, is, among other things, a challenge to the intelligence of a reader that only reveals its secrets to the smartest. And not because philosophers are such a snob even though snobbism is common among us, but since philosophy is a hard subject like Theoretical Physics or Mathematical Analysis that can't be dumbed down without losing too much of essence. After all how widely Nietzsche is understood, for example people know he said that god is dead, but how many know what he meant by god? And that not all there is.

Psychology behind manipulating people.

Notion of manipulating people in order to help them is rather dubious: how can you be really sure whether you are actually helping or not, because how would you know whether it is a help person wants? Therefore, it could only be a form of placation of your consciousness so that you can still feel being good moral person even though you resort to underhanded means.

Also, some types of intelligence are better for manipulating others than other types.

Pragmatic use of religion's brainwashing.

 Religion does not only seeks and makes followers for a sake of vanity of its leaders but it is also serves as a policing tool that makes followers productive to their brainwashers. Especially in the past clergy was very prominent in society and prosperous too which is not without a good reason since many of the messages of prominent religions make people behave by threatening them with some kind of hell while promising reward of heaven for compliance. That created a system of clergy pacifying people and making them toil for the rulers and rulers in turn rewarding clergy with all the wealth and privilege for such a useful support  and contribution to their rule. It is especially bad to be an ordinary brainwashed person under such a system. I wrote much more about this in my book Mad Reality vs Aurelius.

High Literary Fiction

 There is a meaning in every high literary book, but every new piece of knowledge should advance the overall knowing further and explain something new, that by extension leads to every new high literary book to be harder to understand than the previous one since previous great writers already covered everything simpler and there is a limit to how very complicated concepts can be simplified and clarified, because of that for example theoretical physics are not taught in high schools.

Because of that there are plenty of people who don't understand most cutting edge thoughts, some of them actually write pseudo cutting edge books for other people, who don't understand them either, but like to be seen as being in touch with the latest trends. And since there are much more people who don't understand, there would always be much more pseudo anything than real things.

But that doesn't mean it is impossible to advance philosophical or other thought further, like I did in my book and in fact I even covered this issue in it.

Nature of Meaning

 Most things just exist without any intention at all. People fill some things with some subjective meanings. A single thing can have infinite meanings or reasons conjectured by different people. Intentions drive people but that doesn't guarantee outcomes or much else and cannot be considered universal rule. I devoted several chapters of my book Insane, All Too Insane to this question.

God, Creator or Creation?

 In the past religion wasn't really optional and atheists were persecuted therefore it is incorrect to consider that past scientist and philosophers were real believers and not just pretended to believe in order to not be persecuted by the Inquisition, from many of the quotes of famous people of the past you can conclude that latter in fact was the case. For example, when Spinoza said that squares would have had a square god and circles a circular one, he implied that god is not a creator but a mere creation of their followers and by extension Christian god who, according to Christian doctrine, created human in his own image, was in fact created by humans who made god in their image and then just swapped creators with created for added supernaturality.

Tolerance to Other Religions in Different Religious Dogmas

The fact that eastern religions do not have a clear dogma on exclusivity of their faith compare to others, like for example traditional/pagan Norse or Hellenic religion doesn't have clear idea of exclusivity of Norse/Olympian gods, actually only means that either could be implied, not necessary that they accept existence of other non-Norse/Olympian gods. Japanese example of tolerance and coexistence between Buddhism and Shinto is rather a feature of Japanese society that anything from these religions themselves, since Japanese are also rather tolerant to other religions as well, not just to these two and for example Hindu followers are sometimes intolerant to other religions.

Knowing vs Understanding

To know everything that is going on everywhere you need not an intellectual capacity but only an ability to receive information from everywhere, simply a kind of a huge network of security cameras everywhere. Understanding what it is all about is what important and simply seeing something is not enough since can just end up staring at something forever without actually getting anything about it. I actually wrote a whole book called Mad Reality vs Aurelius that explains big deal about everything in the universe.

About Me and the Kind of Girls I like.


Some about me:

I definitely have a lot of pride.

People exist to serve and please me, absolutely not the other way around.

If you want me to like you, then caress my ego. Do not attempt to hurt it or I will dump you.

What kind of girl I am looking for:

I am only looking for a submissive BDSM sub/slave type of girl. I am not interested in those who are not like that.

However, there is more than just willing to be a sub. Your character and personality has to meet my tastes.

Most important for a submissive girl is her subservient attitude. Her attitude has to show that she is subservient and will obey me unquestionably.

She also has to be accommodating to my needs tastes and wishes.

My type of girls has low self-esteem and thinks she is worthless, but actually not as bad as she thinks she is.

Some good Gilgamesh style sayings on girls:

Girl should not dare to look at the sky, where Emperor dwells. Girl should grovel on the ground like a lowly mongrel worm she is. 

Do a dogeza before me, your Emperor, and I might use you for my pleasure. If you are a good obedient girl that is.

Do not measure me by your mongrel standards. The size of my slave dungeon has long exceeded my own knowledge of it. However, if she is docile subservient slave girls, she belongs to me in every possible way.

Extra Ideas:

Submissive slave females are the only my kind of girls. Only Male Dom and Female subs.

Of all the qualities a female can have, I hate pride the most. My mom was prideful, and I hate her a lot. I hate any and all proud women, who think highly of themselves for any reason at all.

I like only humble girls, who think lowly of themselves. All waifus in my harem are very humble.

I have allergy on tsunderes, other -deres only please.

There is some more ideas about women elsewhere in my blog. Read it all it is awesome.

On Moe Anime and Sexuality


I personally like moe.

Moe is sexy and feminine. I like moe blobs and I find them sexy. 

I do want to fuck them. They are soft, squishy and gentle, like pussy. This pussiness makes them attractive.

They will gently part to make way for my rock-hard dick and wrap themselves all around it. And I would fuck them senseless on and on and on.

IRL girls too has to be a metaphorical pussy to be attractive. I have to feel/see it in a girl to like her.

Pussy and Dick


Both words 'pussy' and 'dick' are used as insults. However these insults do often reflect qualities that one gender likes and the other dislikes.

Many girls go out with total dicks or dick-heads. 

Men on the other side are not disgusted with pussies, they fuck them if they are of female gender.

Thus, a female has to be what people would insult as pussy if she is to be fucked. Weak, cowardly and pathetic. It it the truth.

How do I feel sex


I got thinking recently.

As a guy I feel it this way. I have a dick and sometimes I feel like sticking it into some hole and moving it back and forth to satisfy my sexual urges. 

I guess girl's pussy, asshole or mouth is kind of desirable.

However, I can use my hand to achieve more or less same result. 

Other than with a dick I do not feel sexuality in any way at all.

Because of that porn is easier for me to deal with. I can just open some porn whenever I feel like it and then use it and my hand to satisfy myself. No need to bother with complicated human being and their problems.

How Girls Feel Sex


As a standalone continuation of the previous post.

Say girl does not a have dick. Therefore, she cannot feel like sticking it into anything, so her sexuality should work differently.

How does it work is hard question for a guy. I cannot feel what she feels, how she feels. Some guys even think girls do not want sex at all since they have nothing to feel it with.

If a guy would not have a dick or balls, he would not want sex in any way at all. He would not be able to feel anything. 

Guys do not feel anything like sexual desire with any other parts of their bodies. They cannot understand what girl feels.

However, if girls really do not feel anything at all then humanity would have probably died out long ago. So maybe they feel something in a different way.

Maybe she feels with her pussy, with her body may be? Whatever that is, only girl can actually explain that to me and other guys.

I personally do not want anything phallic being stuck in me at all. It would be unpleasant to me. My sexuality does not work this way. 

However, may be girl's sexuality does find it likable. That is something I can only know if she tells me. However, I will not be able to feel it, ever.

When They Hate


When people say you are shit, you have several options.

One is to agree with them, believe you are shit, hate yourself over it. The Shinji path.

The other is to disagree. Believe they are shit for calling you that. Ignore and avoid the bastards who call you shit if you can't silence them by other means.

I do not like Eva because Shinji opts for path 1 not path 2

On path two you can for example hope or dream you can get a 'license to kill' and a gun to silence everyone who called you shit for good. I, by one, do not want to spend time in prison for taking their pathetic lives, so I will not kill them just to be charged with murder later on. Therefore I indulge in anime and video games that help me to indulge in my wishes. 

You can also dream that Enma Ai the Jigoku Shoujo can send them to hell for you, or Death Note, or something else. The me path.

Among other things I indulge in anime that fulfill these wishes for me.

Other than hating your abusers and avoiding them, there is plenty of good harmless things you can do, so I recommend it.

On Slave girls


Do not measure me by your mongrel standards. Size of my slave dungeons have long exceeded my own knowledge of them, however if it is a gentle obedient submissive slave girl, then she belongs to me in every possible way

Contemporary Hypocritical Parents

Recently in online comments I noticed hypocrisy and double standards of modern early Gen X parents. They consciously eschew justice in favor...